Once again...

24242 Member Posts: 1,398
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Well here I am sitting with another lump that not only does no one else really feel without me showing them. Seems I have been here before just not breasts, seems my ear and jaw joint is the place. Yes it probably is lymph node even though I have had it since May and has grown a bit. I finally went back to my Cancer clinic and Pain specialist since my GP didn't seemed concerned. When I started with this doctor she threw my file away since I was too young to have a file that big. Did she read it before she started the new one?? Somehow this hasn't sit well with me and now her not being concerned ...
Well Pain specialist feels in lymphnode but feels benign so did the first one I had it didn't follow any of the criteria and then too I was too young ...
I decided that I wasn't going to let this consume and it hasn't. I have lived all these months with it bothering once in awhile. I have progressed with a few other symptoms and am starting to feel tired, the same tired I felt long before my cancer was dx'd.
I sit here wondering why it is I have to keep at them is it because I look so good. I always have you know never really looking sick ever though I felt like crap for about 10 years, several of those years before even finding my first lump.
I said to my Cancer Doctor that getting in to see her in a couple days has restored my faith somewhat. I am fortunate that all I have to do is shoot an e-mail to say I am in trouble and boy she is there for me. I don't feel good about carrying another lump since I had 11 out of 21 positive nodes. Yes I have had previous lumps that were benign in the healthy breast before having it too removed. I am frustrated, sure I am stressed with life but who isn't, surely stress can't cause my leg to start dragging and unsteadiness on my feet.
Why is it we have to get mad before taken seriously that seems to be my case with my health period.
Thanks for listening


  • mssue
    mssue Member Posts: 242
    Hi Tara,
    I don't really have an answer to Your several ?? 's but i presume by now You've seen Your Cancer Doctor.I hope everything went well-post back and let me know. Sometimes we can drive ourselves crazy when we can't get answers for what we want to know-getting mad only uses up what energy You may have,although some times it's good to purge in order to get back on track.If anything I've said makes any sense at all I hope it was good.I will be praying for Ya.