noni juice

pelona Member Posts: 26
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
has anyone heard that noni juice builds up your inummue system. pelona


  • mssue
    mssue Member Posts: 242
    I've heard of this hawaiian fruit juice but haven't researched it.It would be good if You could find out the nutritional properties in this fruit-not just the sales pitch from someone trying to sell it. Let me know what You find out.I've seen it in some of the supplement magazines I get in the mail-but that's the extent of my knowledge of it.Take care!
  • 24242
    24242 Member Posts: 1,398
    I have been taking noni juice for over 5 years due to complications from treatments and doctors left me with little hope of ever leading a normal life. Morinda Tahitian Noni is a product I started taking after reading the scientific information available on it since it has been studied for over 15 years at the University of Hawaii to try and understand all the healing properties of this fruit. Even though Noni is very expensive it works out to be the same price as taking all the medication I was taking and no longer take any of it. My problems all contributed to cronic pain that was unbearable and the meds all seem to come with more side effects. I had more energy and felt more awake than I had in years also sleeping better than I had as well. I suggest trying it. Like I said there are real studies on this fruit juice that can be found and read.
    Be good to yourself,
  • nancys
    nancys Member Posts: 323
    Once when I was visiting my son in NC, a man my son ran into gave him some info on this Noni juice. He came to my son's house and told me that his wife had been healed of diabetes, arthritis, and several other ailments and this was a miracle juice. HE WAS SELLING IT...... I have heard that it is mildly expensive and tastes terrible. Nan
  • pammycake
    pammycake Member Posts: 35
    I found information on