New Orleans

aspaysia Member Posts: 250
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
On vacation with little access to the internet or TV, I missed most of the hurricaine coverage. It did not suprise me that our favorite navel officer has gone down there to help. Putting aside his goofy SpongeBob persona he becomes a hero among heros. I am proud to know him.
My maternal grandmother's people came from New Orleans--she even has a French name. I love that city. Much gratitude for saving my ancestral home.
I am safely in North America's other French Quarter of Montreal. It pains me to hear that a storm is lurking off the coast of the Carolinas--my present home. Hope all my family and friends are do not have to endure a storm of that magnitude.
A special shout-out to my neighbour Lisa Poole. Stay off that beach, girlfriend. Be safe.
Aspaysia, playing zydeco, lamenting the loss.