tired after 1st week of chemo

122456 Member Posts: 40 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hello everyone. I had the port put back in 8/5 and started chemo that Monday 8/8. All last week I was so tired I went to work Thursday and left after lunch cause I was too sleepy. I called the nurse and she said they wanted me to try this drug called provigil 200 mg. I haven't taken it yet. Like Saturday I had a little more energy and daily I feel a little better. Have any of you taken this drug and if so any reactions? I have some aches and pains but I take tylenol. I have only 5 more treatments to go. Thanks


  • steved
    steved Member Posts: 834 Member
    Provigil is modafinil- a drug that has been around for a wile for treatment of narcolepsy (an illness that involves excessive sleepiness). Its use has recently been extended into other areas and it is now being considered a bit of a 'wonder drug' for any condition that involves tiredness including shiftwork and long distnace lorry driving. It has a wide range of side effects listed but most are uncommon and most people tolerate it very well with a bit of dry mouth being one of the most common complaints. I have not heard of its use for tiredness from chemo but am not surprised by it due to its expanding applications. Let us know how you get on and it may be useful for others to keep it in mind as an option,
  • HisJoy
    HisJoy Member Posts: 113
    Howdy! Not sure what chemo regimen you're on, but with mine, the fatigue was temporary...just a few days for the first several treatments. Now, after 10 treatments, the fatigue is pretty much daily, but there ARE still good mornings where I can walk a little, go boating, play on my computer. The hiking, working out at the gym, roller skating, biking, etc are on "hold" for a while, but chemo ends the last of Sept, so I'm hoping I can get up and go soon after that! As the treatments go on, it's more difficult to bounce back!

    Best wishes,