This Monday operation

DEBY Member Posts: 19
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
One year ago I had Breast cancer double mastectomy,chemo,raditation the works. As my Doctor would say taking out the ovaries is a no brainer. I dont get my period anymore, not something I should of even been thinking about at the age of 39. I was wondering if any of the woman have under gone this operation and what are the side effects? I get night time hot flashes now but not to bad. I sometimes have short temper but then again who would'nt I had to go through all of this Thank God with 3 small Babies 1, 2 and 5. Love Love my darling Husband Rob. He is the best!! My other concern is V drying? I am pretty wet now but dont want to lose my little bit of sex drive that I have. Did anyone notice any change in themselves after their ovaries and tubes were out? I am also getting the Dog ears cut under my arms. Did anyone feel alot of pain with that? I am not heavy and the flab under my arms bother me. How long will I be in pain with the cutting under my arms? God I cant wait til this is all over with!! Thank God I am just about done.
We are all HEROS!! Love to you all Debbie


  • cammie
    cammie Member Posts: 102
    First of all - My prayers will be with you on Monday. I had my ovaries and uterus removed last summer. Like you I am only 39, but I was still having periods, even after chemo. They had placed me on a Zolodex implant once a month to control my menstral cycle. I was relieved to have the hysterectomy. I find it no different then the forced menopause that I was in. As far a V-dryness - buy stock in Lubes. My sex drive didn't change, but the need for lubrication did. Good luck to you! I will be thinking of you Monday. Cammie
  • Ronee33
    Ronee33 Member Posts: 25
    I've had my dog ears removed. What a relief to have them gone. I swear I could feel them bouncing up and down every time I ran! There isn't much pain associated with the dog ear removal. A lot less than the mastectomy!! You'll be very very glad to have the dog ears gone. It is more of a discomfort rather than pain. You'll be back to normal in under 2 weeks!
  • DEBY
    DEBY Member Posts: 19
    Ronee33 said:

    I've had my dog ears removed. What a relief to have them gone. I swear I could feel them bouncing up and down every time I ran! There isn't much pain associated with the dog ear removal. A lot less than the mastectomy!! You'll be very very glad to have the dog ears gone. It is more of a discomfort rather than pain. You'll be back to normal in under 2 weeks!

    Thank you for your reply. I know nothing could be as bad as the mastectomy and the drains hanging from my sides. The sags under my arms also bother me they hurt when I sleep on them. Well It should all be over soon. Thank you.