lajohnso4 Member Posts: 31
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Well my doctor called me on yesterday and informed me that they would like to do a ultrasound guided needle aspiration on the lump that shows on my mamogram and ultrasound. Earlier I had been told that it looked like a lymph node on the mamogram, after that they did a ultrasound and told me it was a cyst, now they are calling it a lump ( I guess that is the same thing). Anyway the radiologist said that is tiny and since I have had breast cancer they want to make sure everything is ok. This roller coaster has really depressed me but I am trying to stay postive. I guess I should be grateful to the radiologist who wants to me sure everything is ok. Please pray for me and any advise will be appreciated.


  • LorettaB
    LorettaB Member Posts: 51
    Lymph node, then a cyst, then a lump. Yep, that would be the rollercoaster that we have all ridden. It's the same one called "not knowing"...and then there's that fear again...ugh!

    But you're not alone. Just remember, when you're going through that corkscrew part of the ride, we're all there with you with our arms in the air, screaming at the top of our lungs, knowing the ride will end soon!

    You've got my prayers. You're doing exactly what you should be doing so stay strong.

  • mssue
    mssue Member Posts: 242
    This is one ride we never forget much less want to ride again.Keep Your chin up,stay strong and don't worry Yourself to death-let them analyze the situation ,whatever the outcome You are not alone.Take it one day at a time and keep Your Faith. We know You are grateful,that doesn't make it any easier,be good to Yourself . I'll be praying for U.
    Keep us posted.
  • opam
    opam Member Posts: 9
    UGH! This brings back memories. Just stay strong, keep your faith. You are doing exactly what you should be doing, but scares like this bring up old fears, don't they? I'll pray for you, keep us all posted.
  • lajohnso4
    lajohnso4 Member Posts: 31
    Great News, it was a cyst. No more worries for a while anyway.