grandmom sick

unabletocope Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Emotional Support #1
My grandmother(who raised me)was Dx'd with lung cancer about 6 weeks ago. We had an argument in Dec. before her dx.Now, my aunt will not let me or my grandfather call or see her. I am devestated.I just want to say goodbye,i'm sorry,and i love her so much.I am having a hard time at work and taking care of my 2 and 5 year olds.How do i get through this?


  • dakotarunner
    dakotarunner Member Posts: 102 Member
    Here is a woman who raised you. She gave you guidance,manners, and a lot of your personality that you have bestowed on your children. It is not easy to cope eith cancer./ it robs us of our dignity, our hope and many times of our physical appearance and mentaql well being. I wold not worry about my aunt, she did not raise ou. I would visit your Grandmother. Maybe she will not look or act the same way as thelast time you saw her, but she is still the same person who nutured you. A hug and holding her hand may mean the world to her. If you do not do it now, you will always question our self in the years to come. Ther is nothing to lose, but so much to gain by going to visit her. God bless you and your Grandmother for raising you.