procrit and side effects

DanaS Member Posts: 6
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I had an injection of procrit yesterday, after starting AC chemo last week, and being anemic (also very low white count, so I'm on cipro also).

Today my hips and hands ache, and I've got a burning pain in my esophagus.

Anyone else on procrit that can give me any ideas about these side effects. I looked at the procrit web site, but it didn't seem to help me out. Could the side effects be from the ciproflaxicin?




  • SusanAnne
    SusanAnne Member Posts: 245
    Hi Dana,

    I had procrit quite a few times while on Taxol (wkly). I guess I was one of the lucky ones to not really have any side effects from it, but I know others who had unbearable bone pain. Not sure about the burning in your esophagus though. Why don't you give a call to the nurses at your treatment center to see what they think. Please take good care of yourself so as not to get sick during this time. You don't want to have to delay any treatments. Best of luck.
  • coralrose
    coralrose Member Posts: 9
    I missed one treatment due to low blood count and the next dose I took procrit the day after my treatment. I gave the shot to myself.
    You should call your doctor/nurse about your side effects, You maybe having a reaction to either the procrit or cipro. I didn't have any side effects but I do know people who have and had the joint pain, feeling really crappy.

    God Bless,
  • AuthorUnknown
    AuthorUnknown Member Posts: 1,537 Member
    Hi, my Mom has been on taxol for 12 treatments and has had alot of bone pain. I didn't think the procrit may also be causing pain. She does has a problem swallowing the rest of her meds especially effexor for her depression. I just don't know how to help her. I feel so sad. This is the first time I'm doing anything like this. I'm not really good on a computer but asked my husband to find me a cancer chat line. Feels better to talk to others with this struggle and to read just how trying this battle can be.