Recurrent BC after lumpectomy

jamiejay Member Posts: 2
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hi. I'm 46, had a lumpectomy 10/2002, 1 node w/ micromets, 8 rounds of chemo, 7 weeks of rad, went back for my first mammo since BC in 12/03. Suspicious calcifications on same breast turned out to be ductal carcinoma. Now I need to have a mastectomy, with/without reconstruction. I see a plastic surgeon on Tues. to discuss. I am seriously considering getting both breasts removed. Has anybody had a similar situation? The stress is really getting to me. It's really hard to keep the faith!


  • arachne5
    arachne5 Member Posts: 9
    I had a lumpectomy in 2001, neg. nodes, 8mm tumor, and 8 weeks of radiation. Chose not to do antihormone therapy because of other medical problems.
    Had 6 month mammo in Dec 2003 which showed a 4mm something. biopsy in Jan. showed cancer again - this time ERneg. I had a simple mastectomy jan 16 and chose not to do reconstruction. Reason 1 I'm 71 and believe me the other doesn't stand up to salute any more Reason 2: I don;t want to get involved with any potential problems of reconstruction (leaks in silicone and saline implants) major surgery for tram flap.
    I think reconstruction is a very personal decision.
    I discussed bilateral mastectomy with my surgeon who was not encouraging at all - again it was a matter of making a major surgery even more major.
    My next door neighbor had a mastectomy because they couldn't get good margins after 2 lumpectomies. She chose toi have the other breast removed prophilacticly since the alternative was either reconstruction of the first breast or reduction of the remaining breast which would make diagnosis more difficult in the future. She has not regretted her choice at all.

    I wish you all the best. it's a bummer to have to go around again.
  • DeeNY711
    DeeNY711 Member Posts: 476 Member
    There are nine messages posted to a question very similar to yours. Look back to:
    09:24 PM EST

    It is the bottom message on Page 3 right now, but will probably move to the top of Page 4 by the time you read this.
  • PiscesT
    PiscesT Member Posts: 1
    I'm 42 and your experiencing exactly what I am going through now. I had lump removed in 7/2002 with micro cells near a node then had 8 rounds of chemo, but no rads. In Jan/04 found 6mm spot, doctors said it was nothing but it was and now I too have to have a mastectomy on 2/25. Did see a Plastic Surgeon and will have reconstruction on the same day. I asked my doctor about having the left side removed and what the chances are of cancer getting into that breast. She told me its very uncommon and highly unlikely. She told me if the cancer gets there it is usually a new cancer altogether. The stress does get to you but take it from me, I'm a single mom raising two boys alone, lost my job in december and than found this out in Jan. and I'm still fighting. It's not easy but it can be done. You will be fine, your not alone. Feel free to write to me anytime. We can compare notes.
  • DCuster
    DCuster Member Posts: 2
    PiscesT said:

    I'm 42 and your experiencing exactly what I am going through now. I had lump removed in 7/2002 with micro cells near a node then had 8 rounds of chemo, but no rads. In Jan/04 found 6mm spot, doctors said it was nothing but it was and now I too have to have a mastectomy on 2/25. Did see a Plastic Surgeon and will have reconstruction on the same day. I asked my doctor about having the left side removed and what the chances are of cancer getting into that breast. She told me its very uncommon and highly unlikely. She told me if the cancer gets there it is usually a new cancer altogether. The stress does get to you but take it from me, I'm a single mom raising two boys alone, lost my job in december and than found this out in Jan. and I'm still fighting. It's not easy but it can be done. You will be fine, your not alone. Feel free to write to me anytime. We can compare notes.

    I am 41 and also have two teenagers. I was just diagnosed with a recurrance of breast cancer. I was originally diag. almost 2 years ago. I too went through loosing a job during my first go round. I am in chemo now once a week. I would love to compare notes with you as it seems we have very similar circumstances. I know it can really help to talk to others who are facing this. Sometimes it is very hard and lonely. Please write back to my email address:
  • megansnana
    megansnana Member Posts: 5
    I am 51 years old and have undergone a bilateral mastectomy with reconstruction. I first had a very small cancer at stage 1 in my right breast two & a half years ago. I had a lumpectomy & radiation. I have talked to many women who say their doctors are pushing the lumpectomy. This time I had to have a mastectomy on my right breast due to the fact you can only take radiation one time on one side. I opted & had to fight my surgeon for the bilateral mastectomy. The reconstruction was not a problem due to federal law of symmetry. Although I have had some complications from my reconstruction which is not finished yet I do not regret having it done. I will not lie to you & tell you it is not painful because it is. It is also a very personal decision. Wednesday I take my 5th out of 6th chemo treatment. The thing that has been my saving grace is handing it over to God. Only he is in control. You will make it. Do lots of research on the web. Find very good doctors & rely on your family & friends.
    God Bless you & I will be praying for you. I have a theory that the lumpectomy is not as good as they say or why would we be getting our cancers back so soon? My mom was 43 when she got breast cancer & she had a radical mastectomy with no chemo or radiation. 22 years later she got calcification they call precancerous & had a lumpectomy. No radiation no chemo no pills. She also has never taken hormones. Weigh all your options you will make the right decision for you. If you would like to e mail me feel free to do so. megansnana