news from scans/ no transfusion

jeancmici Member Posts: 665 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Thanks for your messages - some directly. Bone scan shows all possible bones involved - it just marches on oblivious to zometa and herceptin.
Had x-rays to see how bad the lytic lesions are (those are the holey bone thinning kind) which have moved to the pelvis and hips.
Lungs are a little better - liver's worst spot is better - smaller sports are worse!!!

I am not an easy patient - will continue on navelbine which I got today and herceptin and zometa every three weeks and procrit weekly.

The pain in my chest was correct with my first thought - the sternum is also involved - not angina.

What a rocky road - thanks for your prayers - I know there were some.


  • isaiah4031
    isaiah4031 Member Posts: 240
    Hi Jean,
    So sorry to hear about the scan results. I'll be keeping you in my prayers. Hope the pain is relieved by meds.
    Love, Jayne
  • Sandis
    Sandis Member Posts: 85
    Thank you so much for sharing your results from scans. You are in my prayers. I'm so impressed with how you keep up what appears to me to be such a good attitude with so much bad news. I'm so scared of the next test results. How do you keep your spirits up? Sandi
  • jrowe
    jrowe Member Posts: 13
    So sorry to hear about your scan results. You are being very brave facing this new information, and an inspiration to us all. You are in our prayers and thoughts always. Keep us posted. We care........Love, Jan
  • hummingbyrd
    hummingbyrd Member Posts: 950 Member
    Sandis said:

    Thank you so much for sharing your results from scans. You are in my prayers. I'm so impressed with how you keep up what appears to me to be such a good attitude with so much bad news. I'm so scared of the next test results. How do you keep your spirits up? Sandi

    You know you got the power of prayer on your side. Praise the Lord no transfusion, and at least the worst liver spot is smaller, and the lungs look better! Something's working.
    How about Iressa? Have you asked your doc about adding it on? Not a chemo drug, it shuts down blood supply to tumor cells. Just a thought.
    Hang tough girl.
    Luv, hummb
    Hebrews 10:35-36
    Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompense of reward. For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might recieve the promise.
  • inkblot
    inkblot Member Posts: 698 Member
    Hi Jean:

    Great news that you don't need the transfusion and I think it's very encouraging that the spot on your liver has decreased in size and that your lungs are improving! This indicates that something positive is happening.

    As most of us know, you're a strong and decisive woman, with so much courage. You truly amaze all of us and I feel so fortunate to know someone with such incredible qualities. We're all in there, pitching for and with you.

    Warm hugs coming at you.

    Love, light and laughter,
  • jake10
    jake10 Member Posts: 202
    Darn (that was really a very bad word in disguise). You are in my prayers. Love, Beth
  • jake10
    jake10 Member Posts: 202
    Darn (that was really a very bad word in disguise). You are in my prayers. Love, Beth