You take the bad with the good

pamtriggs Member Posts: 386
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hi everyone.
Been "off air" for a few weeks. Been admitted to hospital again. I fell of the hospital bus which shuttles patients around our very spread out hospital. It was raining & I slipped on the box (yes a plastic box - space age tecnology here down under) the drive put down to help me get off. If we lived anywhere but NZ I could sue for millions but you can't for accidents here as we have state coverage for all accidents that picks up the tab.They thought I had fractured my hip (I was being zapped for left hip tumour)& was admitted for MRI etc. No fracture but soft tissue damage & a lot of pain. It has set me back a bit but I still grin when I look at my new car. Also now getting some cumulative effects from Xeloda (like the trots if you know what I mean) but apart from that I am responding as marker numbers are really dropping now & there is no limit to the amount of xeloda they can give as long as I respond so keep praying for me my friends.
Love & Hugs


  • cruf
    cruf Member Posts: 908
    Hi Pam. I'm so sorry you have to go through more pain. Somehow it doesn't seem fair that 1 person has to have so many problems. I always think and pray for you. As I've said before, you're a special person whom we all look up to! Thank you for being there. Thank you for keeping us informed about how you are doing! Take care. HUGS!! Cathy
  • geral
    geral Member Posts: 130
    Hi Pam!
    I'm so sorry to hear about your fall. I wish you didn't have to go through more pain.
    I admire your courage & sense of humor!

    Take care,
  • maud
    maud Member Posts: 178
    Hi Pam,
    I was sorry to hear that you fell. My goodness you have been through so much and you are such an inspiration to me.Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and I am glad you are enjoying your new car. Take Care.
    God Bless
  • ksfc
    ksfc Member Posts: 251
    So good to hear from you Pam. Sorry about the fall - like you really needed that!
    We'll send prayers that your markers keep falling.
    Peace - Diane
  • martyzl
    martyzl Member Posts: 196
    Pam's wild ride!
    Pam, Pam, Pam!!! *shaking head* And why were ye' not driving your new car around this complex?!? *teasing grin* As I was reading, I thought the reference to falling off of the "hospital bus" was something to do with keeping out of the hospital... akin to an alcoholic "falling off the wagon"! *grin*
    Ok, do you have access to homeopathic Arnica?? Please contact me if you need any info... you should have Arnica 30c with you all the time! It's great for bruising, shock, pain, etc. It will still help even a bit after the fact/accident. I am at your disposal, use me! *smiles*
    Slightly more serious... thank you for keeping us up to date! It was WONDERFUL... the high point of my day.. my week, my month! to hear of your markers!! Go Xeloda, GO PAM!!!

    We are all right here behind you- trying not to push! *impish grin* No more slippery boxes for you, missy!

    Be well Pam, have fun!!!
    Marty in Michigan, US
  • 24242
    24242 Member Posts: 1,398
    Hello Pam,
    I am sorry you have had a slight set back but it finally sounds like they have found something that is really helping you, for that I am very grateful. I am so glad to hear that your keeping ON keeping ON and yes smile you must, for that hubby is a great person to think so much about you, for that you are very fortunate, but then again you don't have to be told that, sounds like you already know he is.
    Hang in there my friend. I hope that you heal quickly from your latest fall and that you continue to have improved results with this treatment.
    Glad to hear from as I always am,
    Be good to yourself,
  • nasa2537
    nasa2537 Member Posts: 311
    Lots of thoughts and prayers for you....and tell that driver to carpet his box!!!!! Good grief. Will pray for a quick healing of this latest thing. Take care of you...God bless, Cyndi