New to Group

ceejay Member Posts: 5
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Greetings to all. Just discovered this website. I am undergoing chemo for Stage 2 breast cancer currently. Have had a mastectomy of my left breast. Anyone live in the Boise Idaho area? I have just moved here for treatment and don't know very many people..we're a military family. My prayers and support go out to each of you. I look
forward to future chats!


  • marytres
    marytres Member Posts: 144
    Hi and welcome. I'm a 2 1/2 year survivor and so far, so good. You'll get alot of help, understanding, opinions,etc. from this group but most of all, you'll get alot of love since we are all sisters in this battle. I don't live near you, in fact, I live in Europe but if you ever need me or any other of the girls, we're always here for you. Hugs, Marie
  • ceejay
    ceejay Member Posts: 5
    marytres said:

    Hi and welcome. I'm a 2 1/2 year survivor and so far, so good. You'll get alot of help, understanding, opinions,etc. from this group but most of all, you'll get alot of love since we are all sisters in this battle. I don't live near you, in fact, I live in Europe but if you ever need me or any other of the girls, we're always here for you. Hugs, Marie

    Thanks for the encouragement! I am happy to hear of your good health. I lived in Germany for 4 years way back in 1985 to 1989. You are right...even though there may not be someone nearby, this support group is a blessing for us all. Thanks! Colleen
  • vjc5199
    vjc5199 Member Posts: 101
    welcome!! glad you found us. i'm almost through with my treatments (just 5 more rads-that's radiation-to go. you'll find that there is ALWAYS someone here that can answer just about any question you've got. God bless. Vicki :)
  • judy22
    judy22 Member Posts: 117 Member
    Welcome to the group I have stage 4 breast ca. I don't live near Idaho. I live in Tennessee. Hope all is going well for you. God bless Judy
  • doris36
    doris36 Member Posts: 16
    Hi Colleen! My name is Doris. I loved reading your story-I feel very much the same way. Sorry, I don't live by you, but I'm sure you can find a support group close to home. Continue your positive outlook - I believe it is key to being a survivior! Doris
  • ceejay
    ceejay Member Posts: 5
    doris36 said:

    Hi Colleen! My name is Doris. I loved reading your story-I feel very much the same way. Sorry, I don't live by you, but I'm sure you can find a support group close to home. Continue your positive outlook - I believe it is key to being a survivior! Doris

    Hi Doris! Thanks so much for the response and encouragement. There is a support group through the cancer clinic I am going to. Haven't tried it yet....this website is my first venture into discussing my condition with anyone outside of family and doctors. Since I am usually so healthy it feels very unusual to even accept the fact that I have something to discuss!!!! You didn't say how you are doing, but you will be in my thoughts and prayers. Colleen
  • ceejay
    ceejay Member Posts: 5
    vjc5199 said:

    welcome!! glad you found us. i'm almost through with my treatments (just 5 more rads-that's radiation-to go. you'll find that there is ALWAYS someone here that can answer just about any question you've got. God bless. Vicki :)

    Vicki, Thanks so much for the reply and encouragement. I read your bio and am very uplifted by your comments. I too am so greatful for Jesus in my life and the peace that passes all understanding. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Colleen
  • dela
    dela Member Posts: 4
    HI and welcome. This site and other peoples conversations have helped me tremendously through this experience. I had just moved to Colorado Springs CO and was diagnosed with breast cancer. The only person I knew was my fiancee. But with all of this happening there are a lot of opportunities to get involved with support groups and on this site you will find a lot of support. Keep writing to us!!! It does get better. Smile :)
  • maryfsz
    maryfsz Member Posts: 31
    judy22 said:

    Welcome to the group I have stage 4 breast ca. I don't live near Idaho. I live in Tennessee. Hope all is going well for you. God bless Judy

    I read your reply to another newcomer and I am looking for others who are in Stage IV BC like me. If you can, please reply. I would like to talk to share info.
  • nasa2537
    nasa2537 Member Posts: 311
    Hi Ceejay! Welcome to the group! I just got back in town from traveling for 6 weeks, so please forgive the belated welcome. We were in Idaho about 4 weeks ago, but, unfortunately, I live in Florida. I wish you all the best. Keep your chin up...treatment doesn't last forever, and you WILL recover!! God bless, Cyndi