am i being paranoid? Please just a couple suggestions....

blazytracy Member Posts: 157
edited March 2014 in Bone Cancers #1
Hi, I am a breast cancer survivor. Stage III, diagnosed Sept/09, finished all treatment (mastectomy, chemo, rads) and just have a question for this group please.

I have had lower back pain now for about 2 weeks - was wondering if this was a sign of bone cancer. I have my next checkup in March. I don't want to whine over every little ache and pain and run to my Dr.

Please any thoughts or experiences would be most helpful. Any other similar experiences?


  • 1Teresa
    1Teresa Member Posts: 67
    Hi Tracy
    I can only tell you what happened to my mom. She had her masectomy last May 2009. During her chemo treatment in summer of 2009 she began walking kinda hunched and had shortness of breath. But she ended up getting better after a year long fight which included 118 days in the hospital. She is 72 years old now. This past October 2010 her back started hurting and she went to a chiropractor. Within 2 months she was real bad though, everyday she went downhill fast and hard. She just got dx with bone mets in her spine, back and pelvis.
  • virtual_voyager
    virtual_voyager Member Posts: 37
    Do not wait, go to your

    Do not wait, go to your oncoloigist Now!

    Same circumstances with wife. She began having back pain and we thought the usual, muscle strain, overworked, etc.

    Didn't get better, jsut worse. By the time she went to her oncoligist and had full body scan there were four tumors on her bones...1-neck, 2-ribs & 1-right hip.

  • ddevil41
    ddevil41 Member Posts: 11
    bone mets
    hi blazy, kinda in same situation as you. I have non small cell squamous lung cancer, round two. Had lower left lobe removed in july 2009 then had recurrence in august 2010. Removed rest of left lung in sept 2010. Now i 'm having a lot of pain in my left arm and ribcage. Thinking, from all I've read, that its bone mets. I'm sure you have read up on it and know the most likely place for breast cancer to mets is bone and brain and the resulting prognosis.I thought I had the lung cancer beat sorta! I know average life expectancy with squamous cell is 5 yrs. I could deal with that, have things to do to get my family ready with that time period. Now I find that if it is bone mets (called degenerative bone metathesis by the way) i'm looking at an average of 6 months.not long enough for what I got to do! But remember Blazy we can't diagnose ourselves. I go on the 18th of april to get scans and will just hope I have arthritis or something else just age related (I;m 48). Tis what it tis dear girl.I truly hope you just pulled a muscle or pick up a lil one wrong or .... well anything else. Sending all the power of this suuppeeer sized brain your way. But seriously get to your doc and checked asap. Days really do count with this s..., All my best,Gary