cat scan guided biopsy

driscollpt Member Posts: 8
edited March 2014 in Bone Cancers #1
Friday I had the cat scan guided biopsy to test bone from the sacrum and the metastisis on the L3, L4 & L5 vertabraes.

Does anyone know why they didn't test directly into the area of the affected vertabraes?

I was very surprised when I came to and noticed the bandage was to the left of the vertabraes about 3" into the center of my back.

Hopeing anyone who has been through this can give me some insight. Thanks, Pat


  • rmaitral
    rmaitral Member Posts: 24
    Guided biopsy
    I had one a few weeks ago. They did a biopsy on my right hip and found a plasmacytoma. My doctor did a biopsy left side to get a test of an area that did not have cancer to determine if it was Multiple Myeloma. I’ve also had severable biopsy in the area of t7 & t8 vertebrates. My understanding is that they test the tumor and other areas to compare the results.

    I hope you have a doctor that will explain what and why they tested areas. Many times after a doctors consultation I have question that come up. Call your doctor ask the question about the test and test areas.

    Hope all your tests are clear.
  • ksblack
    ksblack Member Posts: 20 Member
    May I ask what your symtoms
    May I ask what your symtoms were?I have been having bpain for quite a while but just now fund a doctor that is truly looking for a diagnosis. I had thyroid cancer in 2006 and really afraid something is terribly wrong again. I keep telling them my bones hurt ans especially the left side of my body. The bad pain is lower back and left hip all the way down the left leg. Does any of this sound familiar at all? I can't even lay on my left side for very long
    at a time anymore. Just looking for answers.

    Thanks so much for listening.
