there is hope!

CONNIECHONG Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Emotional Support #1
hello, my name is connie. i live in anton tx. my mother has cancer.
she started i believe when she was 35 yrs old with breast cancer.
she has dealt with this cancer for 27 years. and can you believe, she is still
here with us! Thank GOD!!! so, to anyone that is going through this, you
know its hard. all i can say is that shes a fighter! she had a masectomy, then the
cancer came back on her one of her ribs. then, her lungs, stomach, liver,
small intestines, and just last year we found out she has it in her brain.
but, shes still here! and fighting all the way!
she has had every chemo and radiation out there. when there is a new chemo
her doctor gives it to her. its so very hard! but, all you need is loving
caring supports around you. if you have negativity around you, you will
not fight. i can keep going on and on. its hard. i just need someone to talk
to. and im just there for my mom, to listen. its hard no being able to do anything for


  • marywest
    marywest Member Posts: 132
    your awesome
    Connie your a beautiful person and a very caring daughter. Just your presence around your mother is doing more than any medicine in the world. You are right about being around negative people you dont' heal up. I finished chemo and radiation about seven months ago, my daughter moved from Hawaii, gave up her job and came and stayed with me. She is still here. She protected my from company that wouldnt' be a blessing to me. Your mom is an amazing woman and a warrior at that but I know inside her heart she wants to make sure your happy. I know she would never want you to feel burdened or scared for her. But she means so much to you that you would be willing to do anything in this world that you could for her. I would think that you would be carrying alot of deep heart feelings inside, I'm giving you a hug right now for the love you have for her. I think sometimes it is harder on you than her. Coming from a mother's point of view, having gone through the treatments and all that stuff, the only thing that delighted me was to see my daughter doing things for herself. She took care of me 24hrs a day, I didnt' need her that much but she was always there for me. It was real important to me that i knew she would go visit her friends and take a college class. I wanted her to live her life and share it with me. That blessed me more than anything, I would not and did not want her to give up her life for me. I am sure your mother feels the same way. Share what your doing and your dreams with her, ok? You can be around her 24hrs a day but make sure you are active in your own life, your mom needs to see that. She is very lucky to have you. Lets beleive God together right now for her health, her cheerful heart, and your cheerful heart. God is a great God and he is working right now to bless both of you. Stay in touch with me, I am thinking of you, hugs and kisses to you for being a wonderful caring and loving person. Some people have all the money in the world but are very poor because they don't love. A person can have no money and yet be the richest because they love. you are one of them. God Bless, you and your mom are in my prayers.