Life After Treatment



  • hollyberry
    hollyberry Member Posts: 173
    terato said:

    It already has!

    Did you hear that the State Legislature plans to add * cents to our gas tax AND raise our state income tax? I guess they will want my right testicle next? YIKES!! Indiana isn't far enough away from this mess!

    Illinois, the State of Confusion!



    Can you imagine our esteemed legislators having that conversation..."Let's see, record unemployment, home foreclosures through the roof; how are we gonna fund our pensions!?! I know, we'll raise the taxes on the rest of the citizens, get the press to bury the story in the business section and recess. It's been a tough session, eh boys?"
    The nerve of these people just astounds me. I don't know how their thought processes really work but, what the f*#^ are they thinking!?! It would make for some good second city material, if it didn't hurt people so very badly.I sure hope Madigan, Cross and all the other crooks can find a better way to fund their pet projects or we'll all be taxed out of our homes.
    I don't know about you, but I bought my house 8 years ago and my taxes started at 2 grand and this year I'm at 6,500; how do they justify that? I was working 2 jobs to pay the bills and they're in session, what, 9 months? And when I finally couldn't work anymore and had to apply for disability, I had to wait 6 months for a check.I certainly hope this next "stimulus package" is going to help the average American, and not wall street or the banks again.
    Wow- that was quite a rant! Thanks for listening, I guess we've all had enough from our esteemed leaders lately. Here's hoping for better times soon.
    Take care,
  • blueroses
    blueroses Member Posts: 524
    zahalene said:

    Blue, I am...
    in exactly the same position here in the USA in regards to my insurance.
    I can only get coverage through my ex because he is a former postal employee.
    My three cancer dx's were while we were still married.
    If I loose this insurance I am up a creek.
    Does anyone know if Medicare will come through for me when I turn 65?
    Am 60 now and just hoping I will be ok till I reach that 'magic' number, if it even is magic for me. The coverage I have now is minimal and would not be very helpful if I encountered a catastrophic illness.

    In Canada
    In Canada there is some carryover when you reach 65 from what I have been getting through my disability insurance that ends at 65. But my ex is threatening to cut me off my alimony then too, thinking I can survive on government help as he builds his own house and takes yet another trip to europe for fun. Ya well, see you in court bud. There is also another fund here that adjusts so that your income doesnt sink too much after they cut you off disability but I don't have the specifics yet, too depressing to ask. When I get closer to 65 in a few years I will see what it all is specifically and will do it well ahead so that I'm not caught in long waiting lists. Hope it all works out for you Zah. Blessings, Blueroses.
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  • bluerose
    bluerose Member Posts: 1,104
    zahalene said:

    Blue, I am...
    in exactly the same position here in the USA in regards to my insurance.
    I can only get coverage through my ex because he is a former postal employee.
    My three cancer dx's were while we were still married.
    If I loose this insurance I am up a creek.
    Does anyone know if Medicare will come through for me when I turn 65?
    Am 60 now and just hoping I will be ok till I reach that 'magic' number, if it even is magic for me. The coverage I have now is minimal and would not be very helpful if I encountered a catastrophic illness.

    Hey Zah
    Stupid stupid 65. lol. I am living in fear of what will happen to me financially when I turn 65 in 5 years. Actually tomorrow I am going to call the government and try and get a handle on how this will work Here in Canada at 65 the government automatically turns our federal disability over to what they call a retirement pension and of course its lower than the reg disability. We can file for a program to kind of even things out a bit but even with that its not enough to live on. My stupid ex threatened me about 5 years ago that he is going to end payments when I turn 65 but he is not getting off so easy as he gives me about 2/3 of my income from support payments so that is just nuts. I don't think he will look good in court with a brand new house he and his new wife have built from the ground up plus a fancy car plus several trips to europe each year and reneging on his ex wife - the gimp. Hope I can find a really nasty female lawyer to get me through the fight if it comes to that. His selfish divorce cost me a fortune, this time he can pay for it all.

    Anywho I know you are in the states and things are different for you down there Zah, wonder what the passing of this new Health Care Bill that just went through yesterday will mean. Probably years of fighting to go before it really kicks in for the public.

    Take care Zah. Blessings, Blue