Sinus Surgery Repair for Rad Treatment

SIRENAF42 Member Posts: 202
edited March 2014 in Head and Neck Cancer #1
Next Thursday it will be one year from my last rad treatment WOOHOO I am doing the happy dance :)

On the 5th I am undergoing endoscopic laser surgery to repair the damage to my sinus's and my nasal cavity from my treatments. Removing scar tissue, opening up air passage with a temporary stents. All though I am not ready for yet another surgery.. I am SO looking forward to possible being able to breathe through my nose again.

Has anyone had this procedure done, Im told it is pretty routine.


  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member

    Can’t say I ever heard of anyone doing that before. On the side of my nasal that I did all of my radiations it is hard to breath through sometimes but the other side is normally open.

    Please let us know how you do after surgery I will keep you in pray that it all goes well