Overwhelmed and looking for help!!

mymanisafighter Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Caregivers #1
My boyfriend is from Italy and was visiting me in the States when we discovered a large bump near his armpit. He was diagnosed with Burkitt's Lymphoma and was told he needed to start treatment immediately. We decided that he should stay and get treated in the U.S. It would have been too risky for him to go home, plus the hospitals in Italy are not as advanced and far from his home. We had gotten him traveler's insurance a few days before we noticed the lump.. believe it or not. We were incredibly shocked and very frightened. It happened so fast and he felt fine. On top of the cancer, we learned that it was probably caused from HIV. His test came back positive. I got tested immediately. Mine was negative, but I have to get tested again soon, as it could be too early to detect. So, now he just had his third round of chemo... a very brutal 5 days. He was sent home from the hospital, but developed a fever and is back in again getting blood transfusions and antibiotics. His insurance won't say for sure if they will cover his treatment... still processing claims. I'm working two jobs, taking care of him, and stressed beyond reason. As if it's not enough to care for someone with cancer and HIV, but I have to worry about the possibility of me having HIV, and be able to work. I'm having a hard time coping. I have anxiety and can't always go to work, plus I need to be with him. I'm barely getting by with money. Cancer Societies won't help because he is not a U.S. resident. We do want to get married soon though. Is there anyway I can receive monetary help as a caregiver?


  • green50
    green50 Member Posts: 312
    You may want to go back and
    You may want to go back and ask cancer society if they know of someone who would give monetary money. When I was taking care of my husband they told me I could get some but I was working and had insurance and he had medicare and it wouldnt of paid for me to quit. But ask them if they know who does that. Its been awhile and I cant remember, sorry. I pray for your help for both of you God Bless
    Prayers and Hugs