is there a way to donate supplies?

Bugsmom Member Posts: 2
edited March 2014 in Surviving Caregivers #1
Just joined this board. My husband lost his short fierce battle with cancer today. I have lots to deal with in the coming days, weeks, whatever. One question popped into my mind. Is there a place or way to donate unused, or used but good supplies? I have a carton containing 4 new chux - never opened. About a dozen used, but clean and freshly washed chux. Sheets to fit a hospital bed. Medications? Especially a lot of Lovenox - unopened boxed. My husband and I beleive in helping whenever we can - and now that I have lost him, I have no need for this. I am in Frederick county Md - if that matters.



  • AuthorUnknown
    AuthorUnknown Member Posts: 1,537 Member

    Please accept our condolences on the loss of your husband. You may want to contact the American Cancer Society's National Cancer Information Center. Cancer Information Specialists are available 24 hours a day and can assist you with your question. They can be reached at 1-800-227-2345.

    Take care and be well,

    CSN Dana
  • lilittybitty
    lilittybitty Member Posts: 1
    My prayers go out to you. I lost my mom 5 yrs ago, 4 mo. later my dad had 5 way bypass, then 6 mo. later he was diagnosed with mouth cancer. Was long & worse as far as my dad went but he survived.I was their caregiver day in & day out for 5 yrs. Then the worst came Xmas, my son was diagnosed with skin cancer, he's 28. I can't emphazie enough, please sign up for therapy or counseling, etc. He was truly blessed to have loved you and you him!! My heart goes out to you and yours. LYNN
  • sdloach
    sdloach Member Posts: 5
    I have an unopened 28 day supply of Sutent..cost $7,000.00 and would love to donate to anyone in with the subject saying sutent & I WILL SEND IT OUT....
  • kelly padilla
    kelly padilla Member Posts: 5
    supply for wound
    My brother recently went through surgery to get his stomach and part of his esoph. removed. The cancer has metastisised to his liver and they didnt remove anything and closed him up. Now there is alot fluid leakage from the wound. He's lost 30 lbs in the last couple of weeks. anyways we need dressing for his wound. we have to change it at least five times a day and we pay out of pocket for alot of the supplys we need also need a wheel chair nwo cause he cant walk far now. can anybody help me out there???
  • kelly padilla
    kelly padilla Member Posts: 5
    sdloach said:

    I have an unopened 28 day supply of Sutent..cost $7,000.00 and would love to donate to anyone in with the subject saying sutent & I WILL SEND IT OUT....

    what is stutent???
  • dell3
    dell3 Member Posts: 7

    supply for wound
    My brother recently went through surgery to get his stomach and part of his esoph. removed. The cancer has metastisised to his liver and they didnt remove anything and closed him up. Now there is alot fluid leakage from the wound. He's lost 30 lbs in the last couple of weeks. anyways we need dressing for his wound. we have to change it at least five times a day and we pay out of pocket for alot of the supplys we need also need a wheel chair nwo cause he cant walk far now. can anybody help me out there???

    your brothers supply
    Sorry to hear about your brother being sick.
    does he have insurance?
    If so try contacting them, like a case manager?
    If he does not have insurance have you tried medicare/medicaid?
    Hope he does well. Blessings to you.
  • lindaprocopio
    lindaprocopio Member Posts: 1,980
    Many hospitals have a 'benevolent care' supply &accept donations
    When someone in my community found out I was getting chemo, they gave me the Procrit they had purchased that they only got to use 2 vials of. The left-over drugs and hypodermic needles, with a 2010 expiration date, had cost them over $20,000 and they had been carefully stored in their refrigerator and never shaken, and they were thrilled to think this might be something I might need during my treatment. (No one likes to throw away something that valuable!) Because I have not been prescribed Procrit, I asked my oncologist about it. He said that the hospital's oncology department will gladly accept 'returned' drugs and supplies to give to those who are uninsured or underinsured. I wish everyone knew that.
  • leena_gupta
    leena_gupta Member Posts: 2
    edited September 2017 #9
    Grab Lovenox

    Lovenox (Blood Thinner) I have 40 days supply of Lovenox (Blood Thinner) 60 M. Contact me me if interested   

    If any one know where to donnate do write us. 

  • jpsgrannie
    jpsgrannie Member Posts: 1
    edited February 2018 #10

    Grab Lovenox

    Lovenox (Blood Thinner) I have 40 days supply of Lovenox (Blood Thinner) 60 M. Contact me me if interested   

    If any one know where to donnate do write us. 


    Did you ever get a reply to this where you can donate?  I have about a 28 day supply that I hate to throw away.  Just wondering.  Thank you