Walter Reed

dogcop67 Member Posts: 2
Has anyone had experience at Walter Reed? I'll be going there to have a "mass" removed which will be #2, the first resulted in a resection of my right kidney/adrenal gland which was removed in a German hospital. Thanks for any input. Dave.


  • spongebob
    spongebob Member Posts: 2,565 Member
    Ahoy, Dave -

    I am a colon cancer survivor on active duty - I am Coast Guard, so I was treated at Bethesda. They routinely work with Wally World folks and consult between the onc staffs.

    Check out One of the models for the 2007 Colondar is an Army type (I don't think he's still ACTDU) who was treated for his colon cancer at WR. There is a way you can contact him through the Colon Club website; if that falls thru, drop me a note here and I will get you his e-mail address - I was in the 2006 Colondar and know the Colon Club folks very well.

    Hope this helps. I am in DC, let me know if you need anything at all.

    - SpongeBob