mom can't deal with dad's cancer

farmgirl17 Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Caregivers #1
about a month and a half ago my dad was diagnosed with colon cancer. he has a chemo pump that he has filled every tuesday and he has to go have radiation treatments every day. they are planning surgery in the fall followed my more radiation and chemo. the problem is that even though my dad seems to be dealing with this pretty well, my mom has become very depressed! she calls me 5 or 6 times a day crying and yelling at me for not understanding what she is going through. i live at college and she always makes me feel guilty about not being there for her through all this. i don't know what to do; i don't know what more i can do other than listen to her cry and tell her things will be okay! i do all that i can, but it is never enough. what do i do?


  • Sarah711
    Sarah711 Member Posts: 5
    I'm starting to think there will never be "enough" to help someone through this kind of thing. I know it must be really hard on my dad since we found out about my moms colon cancer... and he shows it by being an A$$... everyone shows their stress different i guess. but i totally know what u mean! do you ever feel like you hafta be careful around both of ur parents about it because its such a sensitive subject, but at the same time, who are u supposed to go to for answers and support if you cant go to your own parents?