swelling in the neck

sched Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Head and Neck Cancer #1
I was diagnosed with tonsile cancer in 10/03,since then I have had a total neck dissection on my left side. I finished radiation treatments on 1/26/04. Ever since the operation I have had swelling under my jaw bone which kind of looks like a third chin. The doc.said it is from the lympthcaic fluids are not draining like they did before the operation and will take some time before it finds a new path to take.Did anyone out there have the same thing I do and if so did it ever go away and how long did it take? I would appreicate some feed back from somebody. mnjschedler@grics.net


  • texmexicali
    texmexicali Member Posts: 1
    I had a swelling under the chin after a neck dissection. After a few weeks, I woke up one day with a huge neck. My MD Anderson doctor

    prescribed physical therapy massage. Usually this is done for people with lymphedema in their legs or arms. I went to a wound and lymphedema center. After about 3 weeks of the massage, they added in kinesiotaping, which really appears to be doing the trick. They apply a special tape from the point where they want the drainage to go to the top of the swollen area. The tape continues the massage as you move about normally during the day. This is a relatively new procedure in the U.S.but originated
    in Austria. The center brought in a specialist from a hospital to demonstrate (on me) for the local physical therapist.
  • robh
    robh Member Posts: 16 Member
    Depending on where you are you should be a ssigned a massage therapist that will show you how to massage the lypmphatic matter away from that area. I had a great big ball under my chin that went away aftera few sesions. Problem is it left a wrinkly waddle on my neck that is very un attractive. Oh well the price ya pay I guess.
  • mebeking
    mebeking Member Posts: 1
    I experienced the same thing. It went away after a month or so. It freaked me out because I thought it was another tumor. My Dr's did not prescribe massage though. Be sure and work on your range of motion for your neck and arms. I did not and I have severe neck and shoulder problems becasue I just sat in front of my computer.