Lung Removal

gardenia Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Lung Cancer #1
Am new to this site. I am 54 years old and was dx with adencarcinoma of left lung in December 2002- 3 cm size tumor- had 2 cycles of chemo along w/ radiation and just had my left lung removed 3 weeks ago. May need 1 more cycle of chemo as a clean sweep as ony 1 node found affected. Have appt w/ oncologist tomorrow. Am wondering if anyone out there has also lost a lung- I have many questions so be prepared!


  • betty2
    betty2 Member Posts: 91
    I replied to your first message but I don't think you got it. I have had 1/2 of my left lung removed in 1987 (adenocarcinoma) and a little better than 1/4th of my right lung removed in 1991 (large cell carcinoma) so I might be able to answer some questions for you.
    My email address is
  • antsynancy
    antsynancy Member Posts: 17
    I had the upper lobe of my left lung removed in March 2002 because of non small cell lung cancer. I was fortunate since it had not spread anywhere else and I did not have to have chemo. But if you need any answers about the recovery, I would be glad to help.

  • bobmc
    bobmc Member Posts: 47
    Hello Garden & welcome;
    I was dx'ed with NSCLC stage IIB, squamous type on 4/15/01 and had my left lung removed on 5/2/01. I was 50 years old at the time. I'd be happy to answer any questions you may have. I can be reached on private mail or internal ACS- bobmc ( web page ); If you are 3 weeks after surgery the worst should be behind you, however the recovery, particularly getting the breathing back is slow;
    God bless & be well
    Bobmc-NSCLC-stage IIB-left pneumonectomy 5/2/01
    " absolutely insist on enjoying life today! "
  • MimisMom
    MimisMom Member Posts: 3
    Am also new to this site. I had NSCLC and had my upper right lobe removed in April 2002.I didn't need radiation or chemo, didn't spread. May be able to answer questions about recovery. Email me at
  • Kristysnana
    Kristysnana Member Posts: 1

    I had the upper lobe of my left lung removed in March 2002 because of non small cell lung cancer. I was fortunate since it had not spread anywhere else and I did not have to have chemo. But if you need any answers about the recovery, I would be glad to help.


    This is my first time on this site. I am a 69 year od female. In April 2002 the upper portion of my left lung was removed. He said we got good clean margins and all the removed nodes were negative.
    So far all my tests remain good.
    It is really a miracle that my adenocarcinoma was found so early as I am a severe asthmatic and in the treatment of an asthma attack the small cancer was found on X-Ray. There was a CAT Scan and finally the diagnosis was confirmed by needle biopsy. There was no Chemo or Radiation therapy necessary. I did not plan to have either done, as to me the quality of life is more than the quanity. And being an RN (retired) I have seen too much.
    So can say my asthma attack saved my life, THANK GOD.
  • KyRambler
    KyRambler Member Posts: 9
    Hi Garden. this is KyRambler. I am new at this also. I had adenocarcinoma. I had the upper lobe of my left lung removed in the summer of 2000. They found a cell in one lymph node so I had radiation. Two years later it went to my right femer. I had surgery to insert a rod in it. I had radiation and chemo. After chemo they found lesions on my liver. Now I am on a pill called Iressa. As of 03-28-03 there is no sign of cancer. So don't give up hope. If I can be of help my e-mail address is
  • ibgrateful
    ibgrateful Member Posts: 1
    Hello Garden, I am new to this site also, but 3yrs ago had my right lung removed after 2 rounds of chemo and 4 wks of Radiation. As one other reply answered the 1st 3ks after surgury are the most painful. I had 4 more rounds of Chemo (taxol, carbo + cisplatin) You will slowly get your wind back but not like it was before. I am glad to say that all tests have come back clean so far. March 7th was my 3yr anniv. from the surgury. I still have pain in my ribs and back from them taking out 1 1/2 ribs to remove the lung and apparently hitting a nerve in my back(I can feel the nerve from my back to my bellybutton.)I was taking oxycontin but it was getting harder to get with all the robberies, I now am on Neurontin and Methadone(Methadone is a very cheap yet very effective pain medication, whole months supply costs $8.82 as opposed to $144.00 for Oxy)if you have any questions my Email is
  • bob1938
    bob1938 Member Posts: 1
    i had my left lung completly removed on 7/22/02.followed by 6 weeks of daily radiation,coming along pretty good,still have back pain & breathing is a chore,i use albuteral to aid the breathing.I am due for a followup ct in mid may ,got my fingers crossed.I also had a 4-way heart bypass in 1995,the pain from this cancer is longer lasting,I have a family history of lung cancer,mother,brother,sister. So it is not a stranger to me. GOD bless & keep up your faith bob1938
  • kimmyq2
    kimmyq2 Member Posts: 1

    I had the upper lobe of my left lung removed in March 2002 because of non small cell lung cancer. I was fortunate since it had not spread anywhere else and I did not have to have chemo. But if you need any answers about the recovery, I would be glad to help.


    surgery and recovry
    my father is currently looking at having his left upper lobe removed for a 1.2 cm
    of stage 1 cancer. surgically i understand what needs to be done but wantd to know what to tell him to expect after surgery,,,pain level, chest tubes.. hospital stay length...basically how long and hard the recovery is from someone who knows. i know every case is different
    i just want to hear from someone who has been there.
  • PBJ Austin
    PBJ Austin Member Posts: 347 Member
    kimmyq2 said:

    surgery and recovry
    my father is currently looking at having his left upper lobe removed for a 1.2 cm
    of stage 1 cancer. surgically i understand what needs to be done but wantd to know what to tell him to expect after surgery,,,pain level, chest tubes.. hospital stay length...basically how long and hard the recovery is from someone who knows. i know every case is different
    i just want to hear from someone who has been there.

    Helly kimmyq2
    I lost my upper right lobe on 9/4/09. I cannot lie to you, it's no cakewalk especially while the chest tubes are still in. Be sure he has an epidural to ease the pain until they remove those tubes. If he's still in pain get someone to increase the meds in the epidural. My tubes were in for 5 days but most people don't have them as long as that. Once the tubes are out he will feel much better. I also recommend getting a good regimen for pain meds before leaving the hospital. I took hydrocodone every 6 hours with ibuprophen inbetween. Coughing is excruciating but it's very important to get the mucus out of the lungs. He will be given a spirometer to use for breathing excercises. It's not a fun thing to do but please encourage him to use it as much as possible in order to regain his lung capacity.

    I was hospitalized for 7 days. After my release from the hospital it took about 6 weeks before I felt like I was back in the real world and I stopped taking pain meds. Recovery for this surgery is slow but in time he will be doing all of the things he did before.

    The road to healing can be long but I kept reminding myself that with each passing day I am getting closer to good health. Good luck!!