Newly Diagnosed

GeorgieGirl Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Head and Neck Cancer #1
My husband has been diagnosed with mucoepidermoid cancer of the salivary glands. He has had surgery and told that all the cancer was removed. He is going to start radiation treatment next week.
This is a uncommon form of cancer and I cannot find much on it. Anyone out there that went through the radiation with this type of cancer? He will receive radiation on just the right side of his neck. How long before the side effects begin - burning, swallowing problems, etc?
We have received horror stories from one doctor and much less alarming information from the radiologist oncologist. What have your experiences been?
Scared, but hopeful.


  • parkrowj
    parkrowj Member Posts: 3
    I began in 1999 with a metastatic squamous cell carcinoma. Had surgery but refused radiation. Went the alternative treatment route. Doing great now.. you might check
  • garyr
    garyr Member Posts: 27
    I had radiation for throat cancer (63 treatments) in the fall of 1998. The sore throat and trouble swallowing, starts about half-way through and gets really rough. But IT IS WORTH IT! I haven't had any more problems and I can do almost anything I want.
  • virgil
    virgil Member Posts: 2
    Hello. I went through much the same in 1999. Had the surgery and then 35 treatments of rads. Many of the side effects are still with me and will be. Go to this site it is great,, my best to you and your husband. HVH
  • psdtx
    psdtx Member Posts: 5
    Dear Georgie Girl,
    15 yrs ago I had surgery,radiation,and chemo for treatment of squamous cell.For me the radiation treatment side effects were minor.Perhaps your explaining possible worse case,which does not always happen.God Bless
  • jaylene19
    jaylene19 Member Posts: 9
    Hi there. I hope you're still checking for responses. I am 23, and was diagnosed with mucoepidermoid carcinoma in 1998. I had a recurrence last February which warranted a fourth surgery (since 98) and radiation. I had problems starting the second week of radiation, to the day. The doctors were right. I had skin redness (severely red, but not as painful as it looked). My earlobes hurt the most, and got very tender. It's ironic that your husband has right side only. Mine was too. I got sores on my tongue (which got infected and REALLY hurt ...but I thought this was normal until the doc saw them). I had trouble with any food that was even remotely spicey. Please let me know if you want more information. I rarely find people with this form of cancer and would actually enjoy sharing experiences. Please email me if you'd like:

    God Bless,

    Jaylene, Cleveland Ohio
  • hilllaguna
    hilllaguna Member Posts: 7
    The side effectsd of radiation can be varied, and many do not develop for years after the treatments themselves. There is a complete list of the immediate ones that you might look at on this web page I hope this information helps you. The first few months after treatment were the worst for me, but then things started to improve. I am now five years out from both radiation and surgery and life is great. This is a difficult path, but it is highly doable. Wishing you a rapid recovery, Brian
  • blitzbob`
    blitzbob` Member Posts: 17
    I have had minor salivary gland cance runder the tongue did not know it was there dentist found it only surgery no radio or chem the radio is pretty horrible wellits all pretty horrible but at my age 62 I just wish they had left me alone they had a job to find any tumour not supreised never feklt I had cancer i am sure i would hav egone on for a few more years without any effects its ruined me
  • sgendrolini
    sgendrolini Member Posts: 11
    my husband has the same: mucoepidermoid cancer of the right parotid (salivary) gland. for him surgery wasn' t possible. He had chemo and next month is going to start radiotherapy. How did your husband get on with his? Like you I am anxious. The radiologist oncologist seems confident that everything is going to be ok and doesn't think the side-effects are very worrying. But when i read other people's responses I realise that it is going to be tough.
    wishing you both all good things: courage, hope, recover