NHL - coming to the end of treatment

kapella Member Posts: 1
I have NHL - Large B Cell, diffuse. I have had 6 rounds of Rituxan/CHOP chemo, and am down to my last 5 rounds of radiation. I am anxious to know that the cancer is gone but know I have to wait until June to go for the scans. It's so reassuring to read messages from people who are years into remission. How did you handle the transition from patient to survivor? Has anyone had to go back for more treatments?


  • tall
    tall Member Posts: 1
    Sounds like you are doing very well. I was treated back in the mid-1980's,so I may help with some questions you may have. You wanted to know how to change from a patient to a survivor,well,I think,in most cases,the flowers smell fresher,the sky is bluer,the food tastes better,in other words,you are SO grateful to the Lord for allowing you,for whatever reason,to come through this. Do yourself a BIG favor and don't spend too much time on wondering why you were chosen to come through this......just relish every day. May God continue to bless .....