metastic carcinoma -lung/and or breast/primary unknown primary

mgm2000 Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Bone Cancers #1
Hello- my name is Mollie and on September 5,2001, I was diagnosed with widespread,metastic cancer to the Lung/breast.

I have been told that they are still unable to target the primary tumor and it's location.

I am very disturbed about this diagnosis, but one thing that they are sure of, is that I am in the last stage of cancer and treatment with peg-pacitaxel chemotherapy may
slow the progress as they are very sure of it's aggressiveness.

Has anyone out there ever heard of such a diagnosis and can anyone offer any encouragement?

Your words and knowledge is greatly appreciated at this time as I have not begun my first treatment as of yet.

Thank you,
San Antonio,Texas


  • lynnephil
    lynnephil Member Posts: 14
    Hello Molly

    Please re-direct your query to the breast cancer ladies as I am sure you will get a better response.

    I myself have a secondary tumor in my right femur and a year later discovered the primary site in my breast.

    Have had lots of radiotherapy for my leg and breast (lumpectomy followed by chemo).

    My doctors more or less gave up on me but to date I have proved them wrong and feel much stronger now. I am sure that with faith, positive thinking and a good sense of humour you will get through all this.

    Anyway - take care and remember to send your message to the breast cancer section.

  • victoria23
    victoria23 Member Posts: 3
    i am so sorry for what you are going through. but i have some advice and help if you want it. chemo is bad for you and you body. look wat it does and the outcomes are not very helpfull or side effects are worse. my husband was told he was going to die because of the cancer he had. we had no idea what to do. i found a hospital that treats cancers in a special healthy way. it saved him and he is still living happily 3 1/2 years later. the hosptial gives personal care to you, the patient. i can explain for hours how wonderful this place is. i have never heard of a place so dedicated to there own patience. they only take a few patience at a time so eveyone has enough personal time.
    check it out it will save your life

    God Bless You