Mastectomy Prep

canderson Member Posts: 4
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I was diagnosed in January with BC. I have had 6 months of chemo-4 rounds A/C, 4 rounds Taxol to get better margins before the surgery. I am scheduled for a bi-lateral mastectomy on Friday. Any suggestions that might make recovery go a little smoother would be appreciated.


  • 24242
    24242 Member Posts: 1,398
    Just wanted to wish you the best of luck with your surgery. I too have had a bilater mastectomy, not at the same time though. I just want to say that being mobile as soon as possible is very helpful. Remember to do all the exercises because helps to avoid some problems that can occurr. Don't suffer, take some medication to help eleviate your pain, that way you will get up and get around.
    Be Good To Yourself,
  • msnascar
    msnascar Member Posts: 20
    I didn't know they would do the chemotherapy before the surgery. I had my mastectomy in April with reconstructive surgery immediately following. I didn't think it was all that bad. Just take it easy and listen to your body.
    god bless you,
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  • nguyenmt
    nguyenmt Member Posts: 2
    msnascar said:

    I didn't know they would do the chemotherapy before the surgery. I had my mastectomy in April with reconstructive surgery immediately following. I didn't think it was all that bad. Just take it easy and listen to your body.
    god bless you,

    Did you get 2nd oppinion to make sure that surgery is necessary? Did you ask your doctor if he will do sentinol lymp node biopsy? What kind of mastectomies will be done on you? Ask your doctor the area he will cut out?
    Many people I know who have surgery from 1999, and their surgeons removed all their lymp nodes eventhough they are not cancerous. These women were told that by removing all these lymph nodes, cancer cannot spread. It is difficult for the doctors to know which is good and which is bad but they should do their best by not removing lymph nodes unneccesarily. Mastectomy, lymph nodes disections, and radiation increase the risk of getting lymphodema as we age. I am only 40 years old, and exercise as much as time allow but I already suffer discomfort due to water not draining properly due to surgeries and radiation.
    It is good that you do your research. It is extremely important to get an reputable and experienced surgeon. Good luck!
    Minh Nguyen
  • melm
    melm Member Posts: 104
    unknown said:

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    Be good to yourself and, like others have said, listen to your body! I had a bilateral in Dec with reconstruction immediately beginning (with expanders). Yes, you will be uncomfortable, especially until the drains are removed. You will tire easily and when you do, sit down or lay down and rest! Let others take over household responsibities and just concentrate on getting well. Your positive attitude will bring you through this with flying colors. We are all here for you to answer any questions you may have along the way. Oh, and exercise that arm as much as possible. It's a slow process and it will feel tight for a while but time will heal. You are in my prayers.
    May God bless you and keep you in perfect peace!
    Mel in Ark