Continued headache and muscle pain?

MDCinSC Member Posts: 574
edited May 2013 in Kidney Cancer #1

In spite of taking Hydrocodone for pain, I have been experiencing a mild headache and muscle aches since the day of the surgery. One day, I can deal with, three days gets real tedious, I'm now five days and it is really ticking me off!  I am open to suggestions.

I have tried contacting my Doctor, but being the weekend I will likely fail.

Any suggestions?  Frown




  • GSRon
    GSRon Member Posts: 1,303 Member

    FYI, for some it can take up to 3 or more weeks for all the aches and pains to go away...  but a call to your doctor will confirm this..


  • Galrim
    Galrim Member Posts: 315 Member
    Both are common side effects...

    ...of the anestethia. I had muscle pains for a week or so post surgery.


  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member
    GSRon said:


    FYI, for some it can take up to 3 or more weeks for all the aches and pains to go away...  but a call to your doctor will confirm this..



    It can also be from anesthesia. Brain fog can be as long as a month. Remember as the serious pain resolves, lesser pains begin to appear more prominent. You can start to say, "This didn't bother me before." It is a priority of perception. The surgery was dominant. Lesser discomfort that was there was just not noticable. Now it is.

  • Djinnie
    Djinnie Member Posts: 945 Member
    Aches & Pains

    Hi Michael,

    I had head,neck and back pain after my surgery, it went on for several days so I checked in with my doctor. I was advised that my head was braced during surgery and I was strapped at an angle which would account for my back pain. I went for some physio on my neck because it was so uncomfortable and causing the vague headaches. I am told that these sort of pains are normal also shoulder pain. 

    Hope that is of some help.


    All the best


    Djinnie x

  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    Djinnie said:

    Aches & Pains

    Hi Michael,

    I had head,neck and back pain after my surgery, it went on for several days so I checked in with my doctor. I was advised that my head was braced during surgery and I was strapped at an angle which would account for my back pain. I went for some physio on my neck because it was so uncomfortable and causing the vague headaches. I am told that these sort of pains are normal also shoulder pain. 

    Hope that is of some help.


    All the best


    Djinnie x

    Aches and pains



    Hopefully this in one of those pains that if you call the doctor he will help you get rid of it in 72 hours, otherwise it may take 3 days on its own.



  • MDCinSC
    MDCinSC Member Posts: 574
    icemantoo said:

    Aches and pains



    Hopefully this in one of those pains that if you call the doctor he will help you get rid of it in 72 hours, otherwise it may take 3 days on its own.



    Question Answered!

    Thanks Guys!  It's great to have a knowledgable "family" to fall back on!

  • Galrim
    Galrim Member Posts: 315 Member
    Just underlining Fox's post... thats a perspective of the post op period not often mentioned, but one that affect most people and can make you a bit paranoid if youre not aware of it.


  • metal_rabbit
    metal_rabbit Member Posts: 13
    Hydrocodone and codeine


    Hydrocodone is a semi-synthetic opioid derived from codeine (thank you wikipedia!). Codeine is a natural isomer of morphine . . .

    Codeine has some interesting effects:

    1. It will cause or amplify constipation

    2. Though it is an excellent pain conditioner, it does cause headaches and muscle aches

    3. It causes drowsiness, so please don't drive if you are on it

    Don't stay on it too long - withdrawal can cause:

    1. Insomnia and other sleep disorders

    2. Restless leg syndrome (I got that for a week and it's *so* irritating)

    3. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (various forms, none particularly fun)

    See for more details



  • MDCinSC
    MDCinSC Member Posts: 574

    Hydrocodone and codeine


    Hydrocodone is a semi-synthetic opioid derived from codeine (thank you wikipedia!). Codeine is a natural isomer of morphine . . .

    Codeine has some interesting effects:

    1. It will cause or amplify constipation

    2. Though it is an excellent pain conditioner, it does cause headaches and muscle aches

    3. It causes drowsiness, so please don't drive if you are on it

    Don't stay on it too long - withdrawal can cause:

    1. Insomnia and other sleep disorders

    2. Restless leg syndrome (I got that for a week and it's *so* irritating)

    3. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (various forms, none particularly fun)

    See for more details




    I believe I am getting close to where I can start letting go of this stuff.  No ego, I simply hate taking this crap.


  • metal_rabbit
    metal_rabbit Member Posts: 13
    MDCinSC said:


    I believe I am getting close to where I can start letting go of this stuff.  No ego, I simply hate taking this crap.



    How are you progressing with getting off the drugs?

    I now put up with uncomfortable cramping when I spend too much time sitting (with bad posture!) rather than take codeine. It's been nearly a month now, and I do not expect to take them again.

    Ditto for the zipoclone (sleeping tablets). Yeah, knocks me out but my head is like cottonwool for the following 24 hours!


  • MDCinSC
    MDCinSC Member Posts: 574


    How are you progressing with getting off the drugs?

    I now put up with uncomfortable cramping when I spend too much time sitting (with bad posture!) rather than take codeine. It's been nearly a month now, and I do not expect to take them again.

    Ditto for the zipoclone (sleeping tablets). Yeah, knocks me out but my head is like cottonwool for the following 24 hours!


    Off completely!

    The day after my post I simply stopped taking the pain meds, primarily because I hate the crap, secondly because the pain was quite manageable with straight Tylenol (which is almost like taking nothing anyway).

    I haven't looked back. I don't regret my choice.

    Thanks for checking!


  • MeMeJoy
    MeMeJoy Member Posts: 70

    I don't take any meds during the day for pain any more but am finding it difficult to sleep still. It seems as though I can't get comfortable and stay that way for more than an hour!

    As for muscle pain really the only pain I have is a sharp, very precise, pain about an inch to the left of my main incision. It only lasts for a few seconds. The nurse who took my staples out said it was probably just the nerves in my belly. Other than that I'm just tender on my belly and I get tired easy.

    I haven't had any headaches, however I do have bouts of emotional'ness' that are uncharacteristic for me. I attribute it to still being in a fog from the anesthesia and lack of good sleep.

  • MDCinSC
    MDCinSC Member Posts: 574
    MeMeJoy said:


    I don't take any meds during the day for pain any more but am finding it difficult to sleep still. It seems as though I can't get comfortable and stay that way for more than an hour!

    As for muscle pain really the only pain I have is a sharp, very precise, pain about an inch to the left of my main incision. It only lasts for a few seconds. The nurse who took my staples out said it was probably just the nerves in my belly. Other than that I'm just tender on my belly and I get tired easy.

    I haven't had any headaches, however I do have bouts of emotional'ness' that are uncharacteristic for me. I attribute it to still being in a fog from the anesthesia and lack of good sleep.

    This is probably par for the

    This is probably par for the course.  I still struggle to find a way of laying down without waves of nausea, likely because of the rearrangement of organs! Laughing

    The codeine gave me horrific headaches so I had to get off it asap.  Those have stopped.  It is the ongoing digestive aspects that cause my greatest discomfort.  However uncomfortable they may be, they are manageable.

    As far as staples, I didn't have any. The incision was directly over a hernia I've had for a while, so when they came out, they went in and repaired the hernia.  Very handy all things considered! Cool All my sutures will dissolve they say.

    In all, in retrospect,  it was not nearly as bad as the anticipation.  I have lots of folks here to thank for their support and advice as I negotiated that journey!

    Keep healing!



  • Fizziwiz
    Fizziwiz Member Posts: 42
    MeMeJoy said:


    I don't take any meds during the day for pain any more but am finding it difficult to sleep still. It seems as though I can't get comfortable and stay that way for more than an hour!

    As for muscle pain really the only pain I have is a sharp, very precise, pain about an inch to the left of my main incision. It only lasts for a few seconds. The nurse who took my staples out said it was probably just the nerves in my belly. Other than that I'm just tender on my belly and I get tired easy.

    I haven't had any headaches, however I do have bouts of emotional'ness' that are uncharacteristic for me. I attribute it to still being in a fog from the anesthesia and lack of good sleep.

    I get it!

    I have a terrible time being comfortable at night, too!  I wake up every 2 hours to shift.  It is getting old! But still better than the alternative! 

    I am off all pain meds, maybe a Tylenol before bed. I don't miss them. Not a bit. 

    I asked my doc if my emotional ness was from the anesthesia, and he said no.  That it stems from my exhaustion.  I just had major abdominal surgery, nephrectomy and oopherectomy on opposite sides, he also reminded me.  He said I needed to treat myself like a small child, nap, have a treat if I wanted one, whatever my inner toddler wants for a bit.  He said not fighting the aftermath of surgery, plus a life changing diagnosis ( even with a great prognosis, cancer is scary, and takes its toll.)

    lets go slow, it will be easier, and get better.


  • MDCinSC
    MDCinSC Member Posts: 574
    Fizziwiz said:

    I get it!

    I have a terrible time being comfortable at night, too!  I wake up every 2 hours to shift.  It is getting old! But still better than the alternative! 

    I am off all pain meds, maybe a Tylenol before bed. I don't miss them. Not a bit. 

    I asked my doc if my emotional ness was from the anesthesia, and he said no.  That it stems from my exhaustion.  I just had major abdominal surgery, nephrectomy and oopherectomy on opposite sides, he also reminded me.  He said I needed to treat myself like a small child, nap, have a treat if I wanted one, whatever my inner toddler wants for a bit.  He said not fighting the aftermath of surgery, plus a life changing diagnosis ( even with a great prognosis, cancer is scary, and takes its toll.)

    lets go slow, it will be easier, and get better.



    I'm pouring Apothic Red tonight after dinner!  Its cheap comparatively, but nice and full bodied and yummy!  Shall I break out an extra glass? Cool


  • todd121
    todd121 Member Posts: 1,448 Member
    MDCinSC said:


    I believe I am getting close to where I can start letting go of this stuff.  No ego, I simply hate taking this crap.


    An Alternative

    I can't have morphine. It causes me serious nausea. My doctor prescribed tramadol instead. It worked great for me.


  • MDCinSC
    MDCinSC Member Posts: 574
    todd121 said:

    An Alternative

    I can't have morphine. It causes me serious nausea. My doctor prescribed tramadol instead. It worked great for me.



    My wife has a script.  Maybe I'll sample! LOL

  • todd121
    todd121 Member Posts: 1,448 Member
    MDCinSC said:


    My wife has a script.  Maybe I'll sample! LOL

    Double-check that it's ok for reduced kidney function

    I'd just double-check with your doc. I'm pretty sure it's ok, because my urologic-oncologist prescribed it for me when I was in the hospital following my surgery and for my first week or two home, before he even knew how my creatinine was going to stabilize. However, I've heard some ppl say it's hard on the kidney like ibuprofen and those types of drugs. However, everybody I've heard say that was not a doctor. The doctors I've asked have all said it's ok for people with kidney issues like mine. It's in a similar family to those, but somehow it's different.


  • MeMeJoy
    MeMeJoy Member Posts: 70
    MDCinSC said:


    I'm pouring Apothic Red tonight after dinner!  Its cheap comparatively, but nice and full bodied and yummy!  Shall I break out an extra glass? Cool


    What size glass? haha

    Not sure if I have had Apothic Red, I'll have to try that one next Smile My "go-to" reds have become, in order, Menage a Trois (red) , Castle Rock Pinot Noir (Sonoma County is much better than Mendocino county IMO),  and recently The Dreaming Tree crush (red).

    Strangely I had a beer on Memorial day and really liked it! I usually don't care for beer other than a few - Smithwicks, Sam Adams East West kolsch, and Asahi. and a few Abita beers. And then I have to be in the right mood. I guess thats one of my new taste budsCool

  • MDCinSC
    MDCinSC Member Posts: 574
    MeMeJoy said:

    What size glass? haha

    Not sure if I have had Apothic Red, I'll have to try that one next Smile My "go-to" reds have become, in order, Menage a Trois (red) , Castle Rock Pinot Noir (Sonoma County is much better than Mendocino county IMO),  and recently The Dreaming Tree crush (red).

    Strangely I had a beer on Memorial day and really liked it! I usually don't care for beer other than a few - Smithwicks, Sam Adams East West kolsch, and Asahi. and a few Abita beers. And then I have to be in the right mood. I guess thats one of my new taste budsCool

    Apothic Red is a great

    Apothic Red is a great California Blend!

    Rich, full bodied, and fruity!

    Runs about $9-$11!  Its my go to!  I can get it at COSTCO for around $8.00

    Sam Adams Agave Nectar is a great little beer too!  My wife especially like Shiner's summer brew, Ruby Redbird!  Lots of citrus!