Arm vein discoloration after ABVD, did it happen to anyone.

I am taking ABVD and yesterday was my #7 treatment; I notice that my arb vein discoloration to reddish brown along the arm to the elbow.  Have any one experience it. is it permanent tattoo, or it will go away after treatments. Please advice.


  • Rocquie
    Rocquie Member Posts: 869 Member

    Bill, do you have a port? I don't have experience with vein discoloration, but if I were to guess, I would say it is the "A" in your treatment. Adriamycin (or Doxorubicin). People call it by different names--I call it red zinger. It made my tinkle temporarily red and my nails are discolored. If it is the cause, I would guess it to be temporary.




  • GalacDad
    GalacDad Member Posts: 40


    Sorry to hear of your reaction to the treatmemts, I also have discoloration at the treatment sight. I had a chest port installed for my ABVD infusions and have also had some interesting skin color changes at the infusion sight. Mine manifested itself during treatment and is still there 5 years later. Does yours have a tendency to get darker with exercise? Mine will spread and increase with physical activity, but there is no pain associated with it. Your oncs will hopefully monitor this condition and you let them know of any changes. Take Care




  • Bill_NC
    Bill_NC Member Posts: 133 Member
    GalacDad said:



    Sorry to hear of your reaction to the treatmemts, I also have discoloration at the treatment sight. I had a chest port installed for my ABVD infusions and have also had some interesting skin color changes at the infusion sight. Mine manifested itself during treatment and is still there 5 years later. Does yours have a tendency to get darker with exercise? Mine will spread and increase with physical activity, but there is no pain associated with it. Your oncs will hopefully monitor this condition and you let them know of any changes. Take Care




    Thanks Dave, what type of HL

    Thanks Dave, what type of HL you had, I read your profile but could not see the stage and type of HL?

  • GalacDad
    GalacDad Member Posts: 40
    Bill_NC said:

    Thanks Dave, what type of HL

    Thanks Dave, what type of HL you had, I read your profile but could not see the stage and type of HL?



    Sorry it has been awhile since I checked the site.  I had been treated for HL mixed celluarity Stage 2B. I had one large node at my collar bone and a cluster in my neck that felt like a bunch of raisins. I had been trated with ABVD and radiation afterwards.  Skin discoloarion is still there as well as back and leg pain.

