transitional cell carcinoma in the kidney

luvmykat Member Posts: 8
edited March 2014 in Kidney Cancer #1
My husband had a radical left nephrectomy June 30. The doctors were certain they were treating renal cell carcinoma because of the location of his tumor. Only after the pathology results come back did they realize it was transitional cell. For that he said they should have removed the entire ureter and really examined his bladder. To date, they haven't. They are now going to wait for a few months to check his bladder out until after he has his chemo. Has anyone had or known of a situation like this? He will be doing the MVAC protocol for chemo. I understand this is supposed to be a tough one and will make him really sick, is this true? I dont want to wait if it means we could have a problem.


  • gojo
    gojo Member Posts: 1
    I have just joined into cancer survivors network because on Nov.8th,2003 a urologist gave me a catscan and cystoscapy and discovered a mass in my right kidney. on Oct.11th I had surgery and he did do a full radical nephroureterectomy.Said bladder and other kidney and ureter looked good.My pathology results were grade 3 transitional cell carcinoma. My surgeon said other areas looked clear and lymp nodes came back clear.Yet now my visit to onocologist sugests I take cemo.I don't know if I have answers for you yet but I'm doing a lot of research and hope to learn more.What was his type chemo and how long?mine sugests Cisplatin and Gemzar for 16 weeks.Will keep in touch to see what maybe we can learn from each other.
  • erini
    erini Member Posts: 2
    Last June I was diagnosed with Transitional Cell Carcinoma. I had my kidney removed. They had to go back in a several weeks later to take out the rest of the drainage system on the left side. In total I had three surgeries. I was only 46 at the time. Due to my young age, the Medical Oncologist recommended I go through Chemo. I completed six cycles of Chemo: Gemzar and Carbopolatin. It wasn't so bad. They tell me I should be okay. I go for a Cystoscopy every three months. I know that have to wait at least a few weeks after chemo before performing any procedures. It also depends on how well the individual does. I had to have blood transfusions after chemo. I was also told that I would be treated with biological agents next time if my cancer returns. Has the Chemo started? Once on Chemo, they really should not be doing any procedures. Talk to the doctors about this. Don't be afraid to ask questions.
  • jtrather
    jtrather Member Posts: 1
    I was diagnosed with transitional cell carcinoma of the kidney about three years ago. They removed my kidney and ureter. I later (about 3 months) had bladder cancer. I went through chemo with both and it was not really nearly as bad as I expected.
  • pattymooch
    pattymooch Member Posts: 3
    erini said:

    Last June I was diagnosed with Transitional Cell Carcinoma. I had my kidney removed. They had to go back in a several weeks later to take out the rest of the drainage system on the left side. In total I had three surgeries. I was only 46 at the time. Due to my young age, the Medical Oncologist recommended I go through Chemo. I completed six cycles of Chemo: Gemzar and Carbopolatin. It wasn't so bad. They tell me I should be okay. I go for a Cystoscopy every three months. I know that have to wait at least a few weeks after chemo before performing any procedures. It also depends on how well the individual does. I had to have blood transfusions after chemo. I was also told that I would be treated with biological agents next time if my cancer returns. Has the Chemo started? Once on Chemo, they really should not be doing any procedures. Talk to the doctors about this. Don't be afraid to ask questions.

    I am writing because my mom just had transitional cell carcinoma is her left kidney and had it removed along with the ureter and the adrenal gland. It came as a HUGE shock that there was suspicious tissue outside the kidney and it came as a bigger shock that there were several nodules in her lungs. She will be starting chemo next week. I would love some info/help if anyone has it. My mom is 59.
  • luvmykat
    luvmykat Member Posts: 8

    I am writing because my mom just had transitional cell carcinoma is her left kidney and had it removed along with the ureter and the adrenal gland. It came as a HUGE shock that there was suspicious tissue outside the kidney and it came as a bigger shock that there were several nodules in her lungs. She will be starting chemo next week. I would love some info/help if anyone has it. My mom is 59.

    Hi patty.
    I hope your mom is recuperating well. What kind of chemo are they talking about using on your mom? Chemo can be tough to take, but it can make a big difference in treating the disease. Have they talked about radiation for the lungs? That may be a possibility, but they may try the chemo first and see how that goes. I wish I could give you some positive news, but my husband was an unusual case. He did not respond to any of the treatments the doctors tried on him and so unfortunately, his outcome was not good. I wish you well and hope all turns out well for you.
  • AuthorUnknown
    AuthorUnknown Member Posts: 1,537 Member
    You have not posted an update luvmykat. Can you tell us how you husband is? Did he have MVAC? Did you go for a second opinion at a national cancer clinic?
    I was first diagnosed with transitional cell carsonoma in 1998. 20 plus surgeries and two chemos-taxol and carboplaten. Currently stage 4. But I am currently cancer free.

  • ddavis30461
    ddavis30461 Member Posts: 1

    I am writing because my mom just had transitional cell carcinoma is her left kidney and had it removed along with the ureter and the adrenal gland. It came as a HUGE shock that there was suspicious tissue outside the kidney and it came as a bigger shock that there were several nodules in her lungs. She will be starting chemo next week. I would love some info/help if anyone has it. My mom is 59.

    My husband had the same in the upper ureter - nephrouretectomy "Good" Friday - in fatty tissue outside of ureter - his PET/CT is Wednesday but probably won't know until 2nd trip to oncologist next week. He is saying probably Gemzar, Taxo, & Carbo - some diabetic changes were noted in his kidney so we'll have to be careful - Doc may confer with Bajorin at Sloan-Kettering - Doc had one 7-year success so far & his other patient went to Bajorin for an evaluation; I wonder if anyone knows anything about him - Save him for second-line defense? I don't read much about chemo after radical nephro. for TCC - Me, I am just depressed but I am trying. Take off when he needs me & a little more - I am an elementary guidance counselor & 3 weeks of school left - This Cancer thing has no sense of timing. My husband is 62. Didn't mean to ramble - just interested in what course your mom's treatment will take. We live in Georgia. DD
  • chico
    chico Member Posts: 1

    My husband had the same in the upper ureter - nephrouretectomy "Good" Friday - in fatty tissue outside of ureter - his PET/CT is Wednesday but probably won't know until 2nd trip to oncologist next week. He is saying probably Gemzar, Taxo, & Carbo - some diabetic changes were noted in his kidney so we'll have to be careful - Doc may confer with Bajorin at Sloan-Kettering - Doc had one 7-year success so far & his other patient went to Bajorin for an evaluation; I wonder if anyone knows anything about him - Save him for second-line defense? I don't read much about chemo after radical nephro. for TCC - Me, I am just depressed but I am trying. Take off when he needs me & a little more - I am an elementary guidance counselor & 3 weeks of school left - This Cancer thing has no sense of timing. My husband is 62. Didn't mean to ramble - just interested in what course your mom's treatment will take. We live in Georgia. DD

    I am new to this site and seeking information on ureter cancer. My dad, age 77 was just diagnosed with ureter cancer (Transitional Cell Carcinoma). Ureter cancer is very rare and even the best hospitals don't have alot of info on it. Dads cancer had broken thru the wall of the ureter and there was some spread to the connecting tissue and fatty cells. CAT scans of liver, lungs and abdomen are clear. They tested one lymph node-it was negative. Our doctors are treating him with radiation (5 days a week for 5 weeks) and chemo. They were so undecided on what treatment to use. They are also treating him with chemo (carboplatin). During surgery, they removed his kidney, ureter and part of the bladder. I worry so much about reoccurance since this happens often with this type of cancer. The doctors and also the internet are unable to answer my questions on survival time. Would greatly appreciate hearing if your cancer is similar. Maybe you will be able to give me more answers than I have found thus far. Thank you! JOANN
  • lyyams
    lyyams Member Posts: 9
    gojo said:

    I have just joined into cancer survivors network because on Nov.8th,2003 a urologist gave me a catscan and cystoscapy and discovered a mass in my right kidney. on Oct.11th I had surgery and he did do a full radical nephroureterectomy.Said bladder and other kidney and ureter looked good.My pathology results were grade 3 transitional cell carcinoma. My surgeon said other areas looked clear and lymp nodes came back clear.Yet now my visit to onocologist sugests I take cemo.I don't know if I have answers for you yet but I'm doing a lot of research and hope to learn more.What was his type chemo and how long?mine sugests Cisplatin and Gemzar for 16 weeks.Will keep in touch to see what maybe we can learn from each other.

    How are you doing? My husband had tcc in his kidney which was removed as well as ureter. Lymph notes were clear. The path report came back and looked like he may still have a postive margin. One oncologist said no chemo but another said we should try cisplatin and gemzar. we will start this in a couple of weeks. How did you do on chemo. We are worried how he will tolerate this. Thanks so much
  • lyyams
    lyyams Member Posts: 9
    gojo said:

    I have just joined into cancer survivors network because on Nov.8th,2003 a urologist gave me a catscan and cystoscapy and discovered a mass in my right kidney. on Oct.11th I had surgery and he did do a full radical nephroureterectomy.Said bladder and other kidney and ureter looked good.My pathology results were grade 3 transitional cell carcinoma. My surgeon said other areas looked clear and lymp nodes came back clear.Yet now my visit to onocologist sugests I take cemo.I don't know if I have answers for you yet but I'm doing a lot of research and hope to learn more.What was his type chemo and how long?mine sugests Cisplatin and Gemzar for 16 weeks.Will keep in touch to see what maybe we can learn from each other.

    How are you doing? My husband had tcc in his kidney which was removed as well as ureter. Lymph notes were clear. The path report came back and looked like he may still have a postive margin. One oncologist said no chemo but another said we should try cisplatin and gemzar. we will start this in a couple of weeks. How did you do on chemo. We are worried how he will tolerate this. Thanks so much
  • lyyams
    lyyams Member Posts: 9
    gojo said:

    I have just joined into cancer survivors network because on Nov.8th,2003 a urologist gave me a catscan and cystoscapy and discovered a mass in my right kidney. on Oct.11th I had surgery and he did do a full radical nephroureterectomy.Said bladder and other kidney and ureter looked good.My pathology results were grade 3 transitional cell carcinoma. My surgeon said other areas looked clear and lymp nodes came back clear.Yet now my visit to onocologist sugests I take cemo.I don't know if I have answers for you yet but I'm doing a lot of research and hope to learn more.What was his type chemo and how long?mine sugests Cisplatin and Gemzar for 16 weeks.Will keep in touch to see what maybe we can learn from each other.

    How are you doing? My husband had tcc in his kidney which was removed as well as ureter. Lymph notes were clear. The path report came back and looked like he may still have a postive margin. One oncologist said no chemo but another said we should try cisplatin and gemzar. we will start this in a couple of weeks. How did you do on chemo. We are worried how he will tolerate this. Thanks so much
  • friendlygal
    friendlygal Member Posts: 2

    I am writing because my mom just had transitional cell carcinoma is her left kidney and had it removed along with the ureter and the adrenal gland. It came as a HUGE shock that there was suspicious tissue outside the kidney and it came as a bigger shock that there were several nodules in her lungs. She will be starting chemo next week. I would love some info/help if anyone has it. My mom is 59.

    I hope your mom is OK!!
    Hi there!!
    I just read your post! My mom is 67. She was diagnosed with transitional cell carcinoma. She had her kidney, ureter, and part of her bladder removed. I think she is in a high stage because she has suspicious tissue, like your mom.
    She will start chemo this Friday. I REALLY hope that your mom survived!!
  • Brookshire
    Brookshire Member Posts: 1
    lyyams said:

    How are you doing? My husband had tcc in his kidney which was removed as well as ureter. Lymph notes were clear. The path report came back and looked like he may still have a postive margin. One oncologist said no chemo but another said we should try cisplatin and gemzar. we will start this in a couple of weeks. How did you do on chemo. We are worried how he will tolerate this. Thanks so much

    TCC aka Papillary Urothelial Carcinoma (PUC) in Right Kidney
    Hello. I had lapro radical nephrectomy on 7/29/10 (right kidney, ureter, and bladder cuff). Fortunately, my cancer was caught early at 2.1 cm and only as surface cancer which does not involve lymphs. They feel like they got all the cancer and no chemo or radiation would be needed. I am going to follow up with an Oncologist for a second opinion though. I was told that there is a 50% chance of the cancer returning, most likely in the bladder since it has the same kind of cells in the lining of the organ. There is only a 5% chance of the cancer returning to the remaining kidney. I will need cystoscopies and scans as a follow up.

    How did your husband do with chemo? Has he had any recurrence of the disease?
  • Diane11
    Diane11 Member Posts: 1
    chico said:

    I am new to this site and seeking information on ureter cancer. My dad, age 77 was just diagnosed with ureter cancer (Transitional Cell Carcinoma). Ureter cancer is very rare and even the best hospitals don't have alot of info on it. Dads cancer had broken thru the wall of the ureter and there was some spread to the connecting tissue and fatty cells. CAT scans of liver, lungs and abdomen are clear. They tested one lymph node-it was negative. Our doctors are treating him with radiation (5 days a week for 5 weeks) and chemo. They were so undecided on what treatment to use. They are also treating him with chemo (carboplatin). During surgery, they removed his kidney, ureter and part of the bladder. I worry so much about reoccurance since this happens often with this type of cancer. The doctors and also the internet are unable to answer my questions on survival time. Would greatly appreciate hearing if your cancer is similar. Maybe you will be able to give me more answers than I have found thus far. Thank you! JOANN

    My fathter was just diagnosed with the same type, same situation. His cancer has also broken thru the ureter wall. I was wondering if you could give me some insight on his treatment.
  • garym
    garym Member Posts: 1,647
    Diane11 said:

    My fathter was just diagnosed with the same type, same situation. His cancer has also broken thru the ureter wall. I was wondering if you could give me some insight on his treatment.

    Hi Diane,

    Welcome to the club, you have found a solid base of knowledgeable and caring people here that will help you if they can. I have no experience with your father's diagnosis, but it appears that chico's only post is about 7 years old so a reply is unlikely, besides there are new therapies that did not exist that long ago. My advice would be to start a new thread which will gain the visibility of members that may be able to help. Include as much information as you can about your dad's case like type, size, stage, and grade and I'm sure others here will come to your aid.

    Good luck,

  • Kane0130
    Kane0130 Member Posts: 6

    TCC aka Papillary Urothelial Carcinoma (PUC) in Right Kidney
    Hello. I had lapro radical nephrectomy on 7/29/10 (right kidney, ureter, and bladder cuff). Fortunately, my cancer was caught early at 2.1 cm and only as surface cancer which does not involve lymphs. They feel like they got all the cancer and no chemo or radiation would be needed. I am going to follow up with an Oncologist for a second opinion though. I was told that there is a 50% chance of the cancer returning, most likely in the bladder since it has the same kind of cells in the lining of the organ. There is only a 5% chance of the cancer returning to the remaining kidney. I will need cystoscopies and scans as a follow up.

    How did your husband do with chemo? Has he had any recurrence of the disease?

    TCC of the Rt Kidney

    Hello Brookshire..your diagnosis is nearly identical to mine.  I was found mine the end of July 2012 and had a radical nephrectomy two weeks later.  I'm on the three month cancer plan checking for reoccurances.  It's been 6 whole months, haha and its all good.  Just wondering how you are doing 3 years later.  I know that if this cancer reoccurs it will most likely be in my bladder so thats where the check ups come in.. I think Im more aware because my father passed from the same cancer 8 years ago, although his occurred first in his bladder. 

    I hope you are doing well and I look forward to hearing from you.












  • Devastated Wife
    Devastated Wife Member Posts: 52 Member
    Any updates?

    Can anyone give any updates on how you are doing now?