Off board for the past few weeks, but doing OK

Hard12Find Member Posts: 218 Member

Just checking in, I am almost 3 months post treatment and doing well. still only able to swallow thin liquids, and have wasted away to nearly nothing with the tube as my only source of nutrition. Even though I am tired most of the time I am contemplating a return to work (part time at first) because I reallly need the income. My Sister (SusieBwell) is doing good with her fight too...she will be finishing her treatments in a couple weeks. I have been lurking, and have been saddened by our losses, and of course the steady stream of newcomers. I thank you all for the support you have given me, seems recovery has been as hard as the treatment mentally. I am open to any ideas to help me put on some weight through the tube, I didn't do well with formula, so trying to do as much as I can with real food and instant hot breakfast cereals, but barely managing to hold weight if at all.

Best wishes,



  • cureitall66
    cureitall66 Member Posts: 913
    After treatment....

    Hi Jim,

    Glad you are doing well. As well as your sister. My loved one is 1 1/2 months post tx. He is SCC, BOT, HPV+, 2 lymnodes involved. TX was 7 weeks of Chemo (Carboplatin & Paclitaxel) & Rads, no surgery. We needed the PEG tube midway which was really a lifesaver. He was 230 going in and 190 now. Just regained some swallowing of liquids and soft foods (jello, oatmeal, pudding, smashed up peaches in light syrup). It has been a challenge right now with getting some "substance" swallowed as nothing tastes good and hard to tolerate eating...but we keep trying different things. Scrambled eggs are not a hit yet, but we keep trying weekly. Right now he is drinking lots of Ensure and Boost to keep up his calorie consumption. His stomach has been a little nausiated from time to time and I presume that is from the various changes that have occurred. Tube is planned to be out at the end of this month. He hasn't used it in about 2 1/2 weeks. He's excited about that! 

    He is self-employed (desk/sales) and has been dabbing his toes back into work a couple days a week for a few hours. (over the last week). The pain and nausea sometimes get in the way, but we try to stay prepared and work through it. Very tired, achey, and pain is off and on. Depending on the demands of your job is what probably determines you ability to start and for how much time you can handle. Hope you do well.   

    I have also been saddened by the losses on here as well. But, I now everyone is different with their dx and tx and how their bodies react. We must take one day at a time as that's what the Lord gave us. Staying positive and reactive through our journey is the most important part. I know the mental part is tough, we have our ups and downs here as well. But we have a 10 second soon as we think of that nasty word, we remind ourselves that we thought about it for 10 seconds and now we move onto better things that are more important for our mind. Easier said than done...but that's what we strive to do. 

    Congratulations on getting through the toughest part of the journey and blessings for you to continue with your recovery.   

    ~Cureitall- Cris