New Historic Low for My CA19-9 Test



  • smokeyjoe
    smokeyjoe Member Posts: 1,425 Member
    k44454445 said:

    Craig this is outstanding news!!! and this upbeat attitude you have is what we love to hear about! you better celebrate!!!

    First you made me
    First you made me smile.....then you made me laugh out loud....I needed that today!!!
  • Dyanclark
    Dyanclark Member Posts: 296
    So what is the diet and what organic products do you use
  • Dyanclark
    Dyanclark Member Posts: 296
    So what is the diet and what organic products do you use
  • Dyanclark
    Dyanclark Member Posts: 296
    So what is the diet and what organic products do you use
  • Dyanclark
    Dyanclark Member Posts: 296
    So can you tell me what your method is. Is there a website for the organic diet for cancer
  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member
    Dyanclark said:

    So what is the diet and what organic products do you use

    I'm not really on any kind of specific diet for cancer.

    My diet has been just terrible this wife and I can barely pack a lunch for work...and we don't eat at night during the week anymore...her schedule has been moved down to later nights...and on weekends, we've been lucky to get anything to eat at all...we've been running 18-20 hour days for the last few months...totally exhausted.

    I've had my dad's care...death...and estate business since Jan12 and we're still working very hard to get the house ready for market.

    Lots of stress, not good eating, not good sleep...lots of hard physical work...lots of mental planning and work...on overdrive must of the time..not taking anything for anything...and posting the biggest victories of my entire fight.

    Lately, I have switched to a potato soup diet as my sustenance for lunch...have lost a waist size...sometimes a cup at night or a bowl of cheerios...that's it...I use 2% organic milk with DHA (plant based) for eye, brain and heart health support.

    I try and eat better when I can...I plan to resume walking now that I've got that problem fixed.

    I try and do everything now in moderation...I sample and sometimes indulge...but I try and not wallow in it for too's been more about rearranging the caloric intake and saving them for another time when I want to use them.

    I'm starting to look better...

    I was trying to show that even though I have not done things that the medical journals tell us is correct...I've been doing very well despite the findings.

    I can't say I've done too much right this my dad's life in my after hours from my job has not provided us an avenue for clean living.

    We're just scrambling right now...I'm like a hungry wolf...half the time I stand up and pace the floor when I get the chance to eat anything...I never even sit down...literally gnawing so hard I bit the inside of my cheek off last week...and you know how you keep biting those areas one they are created?

    Ouch! All week!

    I'm literally an animal right now...just trying to survive...I drink some water where I find it...and I eat where there is time or something....we're on the prowl all the the car...driving across town to handle his house and his business...and then back over to our side for the same...

    I hope to be exercising soon...and that after things finally get to some kind of temporary resting spot...that we can begin to incorporate the few meals we eat together and make them as good as we can.
  • geotina
    geotina Member Posts: 2,111 Member
    I just logged on and saw your good news. Congrats my friend, good job.

    Love and Hugs - Tina
  • YoVita
    YoVita Member Posts: 590 Member
    Congratulations on your new record low number
    When are you going to post an image of your new svelte self? (I remember you posting somewhere that you've gone down a waist size. Congratulations on that too.)
  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member
    YoVita said:

    Congratulations on your new record low number
    When are you going to post an image of your new svelte self? (I remember you posting somewhere that you've gone down a waist size. Congratulations on that too.)

    I'm still too big to fit in the lens:)


  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member
    geotina said:

    I just logged on and saw your good news. Congrats my friend, good job.

    Love and Hugs - Tina

    Made Me Grin...
    ....just seeing you:)

    Love & Hugs T:)
  • YoVita
    YoVita Member Posts: 590 Member
    Sundanceh said:

    I'm still too big to fit in the lens:)



    Not true
    Missing your pic here, bro!
