Chance of recurrence

I was diagnosed and treated with stage 2 T3 rectal cancer and was wondering what are the chances/percentage of recurrence of the cancer either in the rectum or somewhere else like liver, lungs etc.


  • Grace14
    Grace14 Member Posts: 65
    Hello I was also diagnosed
    Hello I was also diagnosed with a T3 N0 M0 stage 2 and my Oncologist said that 80 percent it will not come back and 15 percent it could come back but nothing is guaranteed! I also have a permanent colostomy!
  • Grace14
    Grace14 Member Posts: 65
    Hello I was also diagnosed
    Hello I was also diagnosed with a T3 N0 M0 stage 2 and my Oncologist said that 80 percent it will not come back and 15 percent it could come back but nothing is guaranteed! I also have a permanent colostomy!
  • son of hal
    son of hal Member Posts: 117
    Not to make light of it but...
    Don't make yourself crazy. You might as well check the Farmers Almanac to see if it's going to be a bad winter. Every case is different and no one knows the answers. You are unique and what works for one may not work for you. Try to be health concious and reduce your risks through diet and excercise. As of now, there is no magic bullet or crystal ball when it comes to cancer. If you believe that your lifestyle had no bearing on your cancer diagnosis then continue on and play the wait and see game. If however you can look at yourself in the mirror and admit that you didn't previously follow healthy living guidlines that are established by the medical community, then make changes and take some control. I'm not saying to blame yourself for your diagnosis but also don't just say "oh well, crap happens". There are some undisputed facts that many people on here don't like to admit. Smoking can cause lung cancer. Asbestos can cause lung cancer. Exposure to some chemicals, and viruses can cause liver cancer. Overexposure to the sun can cause skin cancer. Chemicals, viruses and radiation can cause leukemia. HPV can cause cervical cancer. These things are known to be true but some people like to believe that colorectal cancer is an anomoly. They believe that what we eat, drink, or expose ourselves to has no effect on our diagnosis or prognosis. That theory is flawed. There are risk factors with every disease and colorectal cancer is no different from any others. Look them up yourself, do your part in fighting the disease. Your medical team did their part with chemo/radiation and surgery now you can take over. You, like myself, caught a break with stage 2, we still have some control and odds in our favor. Stage 4 is a different game that we must try our best to stay out of. Enjoy life but be sensible about your lifestyle choices.
    Best of luck to you and all of us.
    Take care CJ
  • lepperl
    lepperl Member Posts: 39
    I hate to say this but
    Very high. Are they considering a re-section this could completly cure you.