More questions than answers.... Can you folks help?



  • cricketskid
    cricketskid Member Posts: 25

    So Sorry...
    for the pain your mother is going thru. My cancer is laryngeal, and therefore I did not have the problems your mother is facing. Consequently, I have no advice. Rick.

    An Update
    First I wou;d like to say OOPS for al the duplicate posts. The internet at the hospiital is strange and it kept resending my final page.

    My mother had the J tube incerted on Friday and within 12 hours had not improved. Vomiting constantly. So was taken off of tube feeding al together and is now on TPN.

    She has been told she will not be able to go home while on TPN at this time due to her weakened state.
    They have started her on Fentnal pump so she can now get her pain meds without having to wait on the nursing staff.
    She had been on Phenagran for almost two months but today she had a reaction to it. Crazy but they took her off it none the less.
    The hospital DR will be conculting with her Oncologist on Monday to see how they want to continue care.
    The Doctor has a real fear that the TPN might cause more complications due to my mothers weakened state. Her lung function has decreased and she is no longer able to get up on her own.
    My Mother is starting to talk like she really knows this is the worst case and that she may not make it. She understands that there is not much more they can do and they are trying to make her comfortable. The fear in her eyes is scary to see. I love her so much but the pain she is going through is horrible. She keeps asking me to look at her neck and see if the cancer is still there.
    The Doctor is also recomending she stop Chemo because it will harm her more than it will help at this point.