western MA groups

Bearsmile Member Posts: 24
Hi my name is Heather and I am wondering if anyone knows of any in person support groups in the Springfield MA area? I am struggling and think it would be helpful to talk to another care giver. I haven't been able to get into the chat room on this site for whatever reason. My dad has colon cancer on the lungs and this is the 3rd time he is going through chemo and so I drive him to Boston every other week for treatment since the only drug he is responding too he is allergic too and they have a way to give it to him down at Dana Farber. I know that I need to reach out and so that is what I am trying to do. I have already gotten lots of support and feel better since being on this site. It has made me feel less alone so THANK YOU all. The sun is shining and Dad is out fishing with friends so I am taking time for myself before I head off to school. Have a great day and keep smiling one day at a time :)


  • Tina Blondek
    Tina Blondek Member Posts: 1,500 Member
    Thinking of You
    Hi Heather
    Glad to hear your dad is out fishing! I would suggest that you contact the counselors at Dana Faber. Or, contact the American Cancer Society. They are very helpful. How about your church? Your pastor? Hope this helps, go on out and enjoy that sunshine before school!
    Tina in Va