So many questions...

buntyp Member Posts: 2
My Mom is 82 and has been diagnosed with bladder cancer... T3a no nodes no mets.....her case is before the "tumor board" to discuss if she is a candidate for a radical cystectomy.....The surgeon does not think she is a good candidate.she has really declined in the last 6 weeks since her diagnosis, weight loss, high white blood count, anemia, The Oncologist thinks she would be a good case for surgery because her co-morbidity is good, heart, lungs ect....I guess our question is.... has any other senior had this surgery and what was there post surgery experience? Other options were...aggresive radiation or palliative radiation.


  • wilsel
    wilsel Member Posts: 38
    Try this other site......
    Hi buntyp:

    I've had bladder removal surgery and I was staged at 3a as well, but I was only 65 at the time, and that was 18 months ago. I believe you may get more results with your questions if you go to and click on the Bladder Cancer Advocacy Network, as they have much more traffic than this site has. Everyone on there either has,had bladder cancer or is taking care of someone with bladder cancer. For some reason this site just doesn't seem to get much traffic with regard to bladder cancer. I wish you well.

    C U,

    Urostomy 06-30-2010, bladder cancer staged 3a, very aggressive tumor