Grading / Surgery question.

growler9 Member Posts: 48
As mentioned in my 1st post, I had no idea what my tumor grade was. My Urologists said both kidneys were Stage 1 before the surgery and after said size of ping pong balls left and right sides. I had clean margins on both and I figured that was that.

So after seeing how much you all knew about your little buddies I asked my home health nurse to look at my pathology reports on her laptop. I had assumed they would both be T1a N0 M0 Fuhrman 1.

Turns out R side was T1a N0 M0 Furhman 2. That sounds good. The L side was T3a N0 M0 Fuhman 3&2 with renal vein involvement.
Doesn't sound so good. The tumor was 5.5 x 5.0.

I went to a kidney surgery site and it said that T3 & 4 tumors require radical procedure except in the case of bilateral tumors, like I had, to do a partial on T3a,b,c to delay the need for dialysis. Really doesn't sound good.

So I'm curious if anybody out there had a T3 with renal vein involvement that had a partial and how has that worked out?

Thanks and Peace to all! Alan


  • BG
    BG Member Posts: 85 Member
    Hi Alan,

    What subtype of Renal Cell Carcinoma did you have? I know for Chromophobe the grade is not a correlated prognostic driver.

    Also, was there sarcamatoid characteristics? I wish you well and my prayers are out for you.

  • growler9
    growler9 Member Posts: 48
    BG said:

    Hi Alan,

    What subtype of Renal Cell Carcinoma did you have? I know for Chromophobe the grade is not a correlated prognostic driver.

    Also, was there sarcamatoid characteristics? I wish you well and my prayers are out for you.


    Hey BG
    They were clear cell.

    Yeah, I don't think clear cell affects prognosis either. It's the renal vein involvement I was most curious about. That is what jacked a T1 to a T3.
    Also the part of the turor with the renal vein involvement was Furman 3 where as the rest of the tumor was Furman 2.

    I'm happy with my surgery outcome as pathology said clean margins on both. I was just curious about the renal vein twist.

    Happy Days and Great Thanksgiving to all! Alan