Life after Ileostomy

slpam Member Posts: 1
Hi. I was wondering if there are *any* success stories of life being somewhat "normal" after having an ileostomy? I haven't read much on any kind of happiness, just all scary stories of how miserable people are. I'm a 37 yr old female, diagnosed with Rectal Cancer in May 2010. Chemo 4 months, Radiation in February 11, surgery April '11, more Chemo June-Sept '11. I had the tumor removed as well as most of my rectum. A J-Pouch was made and the ileostomy, of course. I've gotten quite used to the bag and have had virtually no problems with it. Now there's talk of reversal. I'm afraid of the reversal because I haven't read more than ONE success story! Any suggestions?? Thanks! ~Pam


  • mukamom
    mukamom Member Posts: 402
    YES YES YES !!!
    Success with my husband, who got a temp ilieostomy 12/08, reversal didn't come until 2 years later, and he has said his bowels haven't worked this good in years....(IV CC) Don't get me wrong, there are still issues with the runs and constipation, with all the surgeries and chemo, but nothing that isn't manageable.

    I don't know if having a J pouch complicates things or not. Talk with your surgeon.

    Best of luck to you!
  • abrub
    abrub Member Posts: 2,174 Member
    I have 2 good friends
    who had a temporary ostomies for colon and anal cancers. Both had reversals, and both are living normal lives, tho it took some time after the reversals.

    Neither is on this board (as far as I know.) Both went to MSKCC, where I go, but I knew both of them independently of their cancers. And life happily goes on....

  • John23
    John23 Member Posts: 2,122 Member
    Hi Pam!
    Hi Pam!

    Please take some time to visit the "United Ostomy Associations of America"
    discussion board. There's a wealth of experience and information
    there, that can provide you with as much support for having an
    ostomy as there is here for cancer.

    I don't know where you're reading all those "scary stories", but
    those that are having major problems with a "life-style" change,
    would likely have a major problem just "getting old".

    At first, having an ostomy can be disturbing; Why wouldn't it be?

    It takes about 6 months for a stoma to "settle down" and allow
    pouching systems to remain leak-free for longer periods of time.
    But... it does matter how well the stoma was formed, and it's
    location on your body. Some of us have been lucky, and some
    of have not been so lucky with the initial placement and surgical
    forming of the stoma. You should understand, that nothing in life
    is all rosy all the time, and likewise, everything in life can be dealt
    with, if one has some patience and willingness to succeed.

    Sure, it's a lifestyle change, and yes it does affect your naked
    appearance, but fully clothed? No-one knows I have two
    Ileostomies unless I've told them. Since 2006 (my initial Ileo),
    there weren't too many people in my life that had any knowledge
    of my Ileostomy. That is how much it -isn't- noticeable when dressed.

    There are ways to cover the appliance while "naked", if you're
    concerned about sex, etc... So don't fear any loss of attraction
    from anyone; and especially from those that care about -you-.

    It takes some time to adjust to the "new you", and once you are
    "adjusted", you'll wonder why the hell you worried in the first place.

    And Pam...

    "I had the tumor removed as well as most of my rectum. A J-Pouch
    was made and the ileostomy, of course. I've gotten quite used to the
    bag and have had virtually no problems with it. Now there's talk of
    reversal. I'm afraid of the reversal because I haven't read more than
    ONE success story! "

    Oh, there's plenty of successful "reversals", and for the first six months
    I had demanded to be reversed. Looking back, I'm glad the surgeons refused
    to do it. My initial Ileostomy was said to be "temporary", even though
    it was a closed-end Ileo. I would have to have the full open surgery it
    took to give me the ostomy, to do the "reversal".

    If you've lost too much large intestine (I lost 4 of 5 feet), the remaining
    large intestine will not be able to remove enough liquid, providing a
    permanent diarrhea type of condition. Now that they took 1/2 my small
    intestines due to surgery to remove blockages, the output is near total
    liquid, and continual 24/7/365. Having an ostomy keeps me out of the
    toilet long enough to enjoy life.

    The sad side of rectal cancer that I've noticed over the years, is those
    that -did not- have the rectum and all associated "parts" removed, do
    not fare as well as those that have a total removal. Most individuals
    are so frightened of losing the rectum, anus, etc.. that they place
    themselves in more peril for their perceived vanity. Having a "Barbie-Butt"
    is an awful lot less traumatic, than finding continual recurrences from
    rectal cancer. Having to wear a pouch, is absolutely nothing, compared
    to the years of anticipation and anxiety associated with recurrence.

    I had colon cancer, and all other parts remain, along with that lousy
    one foot of large intestine. If I had rectal cancer, I would have insisted
    on total removal.

    Don't fear the ostomy! Try welcoming it as your insurance of longer
    and less worrisome life!

    Take a trip to that UOAA website; you'll enjoy the company!

    Think "healthy".

    Best wishes,

  • RickMurtagh
    RickMurtagh Member Posts: 587 Member
    I had a temp ileo, a takedown to the jpouch and suffered all kinds of horrors. My takedown just was not successful, but now I have a permanent ileo and life is good again (aside from being unemployed, owing 20k in taxes and losing the house - but hey, if you don't have your health, you don't have a thing). As John said, go to the UOAA site. Plenty of success stories there.
  • tommycat
    tommycat Member Posts: 790 Member
    I had chemo/ radiation to
    I had chemo/ radiation to shrink the rectal tumor, then a temp ileo in 10/09, more chemo, then the reversal 10/10.
    The first couple months were difficult--no doubt about it. But time and patience, and retraining the body to recognize the new signals to 'go'---have worked. It's been a year now and I can pretty much eat and drink w/e I want. However, I do have some trigger foods, like red wine and chocolate, that I can only have at home since they have a laxative effect for me. And sometimes I will take an Immodium before going out to eat as a sort of insurance policy.
    I had the reversal, and for me it was worth it. If you decide to do it, I and others can help you with some tips for the beginning months.
    Your friend in California~

    *****Wanted to update this after giving it some thought last night. The learning curve is difficult and it takes about a yr to really settle down. In the beginning I had 6 bad days, and 1 good that ratio is reversed. However that one bad night can be a doozy and keeps me up and down to the bathroom for long stretches of time, esp. since now my rectum is about 2" long compared to the average 6". There is not a whole lot of storage area left so....end up frequently in the bthrm. However, to me it was/is still worth it. Cancer took so much away from me (including reproductive body parts) that I wanted to at least try the reversal.
  • khl8
    khl8 Member Posts: 807

    I had a temp ileo, a takedown to the jpouch and suffered all kinds of horrors. My takedown just was not successful, but now I have a permanent ileo and life is good again (aside from being unemployed, owing 20k in taxes and losing the house - but hey, if you don't have your health, you don't have a thing). As John said, go to the UOAA site. Plenty of success stories there.

    I am one of the sucess
    I am one of the sucess stories, sure once in awhile if I eat something wrong, I may go alot on one day. But other than that, I have a normal life, I work, play and just enjoy life. I have not felt better! Pm me if you need more information.
