911 / Toxic Dust

Hello everyone,

After being diagnosed with FNHL Stage 3 / Grade 1.5 and my Onc stated to me that I was probally exposed to something TOXIC in my life. I told him I was detailed to 911 WTC for a couple of days for search and rescue operations, he stated that was too early to tell at this point. After I knew where I was going with this disease at this point, I decided to to do some investigating on my own with WTC attacks!!! What I did find with other illnesses and cancers that rescue workers are now suffering with, that there is alot of people that served and volunteered that have the same type of cancer. I was told it took to be on location for at least for hours between the 11 and 14th to have a higher rate to be diagnosed with some type of disease. Our great goverment refuses to acknowledge any type of cancer to the 911 attacks.... They must be kidding!!!

My motivation is just to bring awareness to whats going and to see if anyone has any type of link to NHL and 911!!!

Thank you
