Ideas for Pain???



  • mxperry220
    mxperry220 Member Posts: 493 Member
    I found Advil helped me the most with my pain. The narcotics either were ineffective or completely made be "bonkers".
  • janke
    janke Member Posts: 29

    I found Advil helped me the most with my pain. The narcotics either were ineffective or completely made be "bonkers".

    I also was one of the people
    I also was one of the people with severe burns. I refused to be hospitalized for the burns. I was afraid of catching more infections. The key is to keep yourself clean. And pain meds. oral morphine was my savior.I even utilized the burn center at work. I probably have 40 creams, gels, lotions. When you have breaking blisters you have to be very careful. I have tried it all but what I truely found most effective just like most people are saying is a warm bath or sitz (kind of hard when your stoned). I think the dombros soak with 4x4 gauze helped a lot when I couldn't get up to soak. I only got dressed other than baggy cotton shorts to go for radiation apts. Because my blisters were constantly emerging breaking and oozing, I would wrap myself in a clean 100% cotton white sheet and lay on my bed with a fan to help dry the sores. Everything else would stick to me and it was unbearable to peel it off. Sometimes the sheet would get stuck so keep wrapping and re wrapping. All the Aloe, sylvadine (?) etc. only burned worse. When I did start to somewhat heal where you could touch the blisters. I found a cream by the name of xclair by align pharmacuticals. It was quite helpful to reduce itching and acted as a barrier from the dampness of the other ozing blisters. But what I want to stress the most to you is keep the area as clean and dry as possible. I used all sterile supplies such as q-tips to apply the cream and sterile gauze pads for the dombro soaks. I also limited my bathroom to ME only, and my sheets were washed and bleached frequently. Later my doctors told me they were quite impressed with my healing process and didn't think I would have come out of a inpatient confinement with such success. Don't get me wrong I am not the hero, my family was wonderful. They were my best advocates, there came a time when I could no longer cry or complain. Thank god my husband realized if I was not B#^$*#, I needed help. He insisted my doctors gave me morphine. Nothing else touched my pain. But with the morphine I could sleep the pain away. Sorry this post is so long but I believe perhaps I can help someone else with severe burns. And never forget the power in prayer and positive thoughts. I know you feel helpless to someone experiencing so much pain but you are helping them thru prayer and encouraging words more than you will ever know.