After each treatment how long does the BCG remain in the bladder

tp2217 Member Posts: 1
I just received my first of 6 weekly BCG treatments today. After two scope surgeries I was declared cancer free of the superficial cancer. The doctor went to the last layer on the second scope surgery and found no cancer.

I am doing as instructed with cleaning my toilet, the good thing is my wife and daughter are back in the U.S, until late August so will not be exposed to this situation. Exactly how long should I continue to clean / disinfect the toilet?

Also I have had no pain or discomfort from the first treatment, is this the way it will be or does it get worse as each treatment occurs?

This has been especially difficult to deal with, living in Abu Dhabi and my family gone for the summer. My wife tried to stay but I insisted for our 12 year old daughters sake to go back to our home in Florida.

Lastly, I feel my wife is going to struggle with sex because of the BCG, it was difficult for her to accept me doing this but she knew it was necessary. Has anyone had any issues with their spouse over this? Everything I have read says there is no case of a partner getting TB from intercourse.


  • billy3682
    billy3682 Member Posts: 1
    bcg treatments
    i had high grade bladder cancer, 3 scopes and 6 treatments , then he went back in bladder, took piece , came back no cancer , but he wanted me to have 3 more bcg treatments , this was ok till i got the number 8 and 9 treatments, it hurt very bad , blood , when i pea, but , now i am very tired , all the time , bad headack, , so 9 treatments so far , and i go back sept 12 to get scope to get cheek again , by for now