Eye Cancer, Choroidal Mealanoma

sunney1 Member Posts: 1
I was diagnosed in September and feeling alone. There are other groups and I have joined them. I am hoping to connect wiht others.


  • neverquit
    neverquit Member Posts: 220 Member
    I am very sorry to hear
    I am very sorry to hear about your diagnosis sunney1. I hope you know that you are never alone. Please come here and let us know what you need as we are here for each other..
  • new2me
    new2me Member Posts: 177 Member
    I had choroidal Melanoma 11 years ago
    Hello - I had choroidal Melanoma 11 years ago in my left eye. I went to UCLA and had a radiation plate surgically implanted on the tumor for 5 days. It killed the tumor before it spread to anyother parts of my body. Because the tumor was so close to my optic nerve I don't have any good vision out of that eye.
    I don't know of anyother groups - like I said this happened Feb 2000 - but maybe I can answer some questions for you.

    Good luck to you.

  • lovingwifedeb
    lovingwifedeb Member Posts: 183
    Another Melanoma Warrior
    Hello Sunney1 ... Welcome ...

    You will find lots of support here, especially for the emotionally drained. I am the caregiver of another melanoma warrior who was diagnosed last summer on Father's Day, no Primary was ever found. My husband had surgery to remove a large tmor in his upper leg/groin area along with 28 lymph nodes. In January another tumor was found in his brain, another surgery, in Feb. Gamma Knife. In March 2 more lesions were found near his left eye, Whole Brain Radiation was just finished end of March. He is scheduled for a CT on April19th...
    So...... We learn to fight as it attacts... My husband is no longer working now, has problems communicating. His memory has been affected...

    So where am I in all of this? I come here for support when I feel I'm in too deep. I write, and I always try to remember the man I married and what he stood for.

    We are here for you, peace to you and your family.

    lovingwife, to Bob, stage 4 melanoma
  • dottie27
    dottie27 Member Posts: 4
    new2me said:

    I had choroidal Melanoma 11 years ago
    Hello - I had choroidal Melanoma 11 years ago in my left eye. I went to UCLA and had a radiation plate surgically implanted on the tumor for 5 days. It killed the tumor before it spread to anyother parts of my body. Because the tumor was so close to my optic nerve I don't have any good vision out of that eye.
    I don't know of anyother groups - like I said this happened Feb 2000 - but maybe I can answer some questions for you.

    Good luck to you.


    Words of encouragement....
    My grandmother, also named Dorothy (I have made this account for her), is 84 yrs old and just diagnosed with Choroidal melanoma of the right eye. She is overall very healthy. You wouldn't think she was over 65! She does have macular degeneration in the left eye as well thus leaving her with poor vision bilaterally. We are still in the testing phase to ensure it hasn't spread to other areas. Her first appt at MD Anderson was this past Wednesday. She was given the options of removal of the eye or radiation with the plaque. She believes radiation is the answer; however, she is very concerned about the discomfort she will encounter during the procedure. Being in healthcare myself, I do believe we can control the pain with medications but she is unsure if she will be able to handle it. My research revealed that while uncomfortable and there will be some pain, many do well with just ibuprofen on schedule during the time the plaque is in place. Can you give some additional information regarding your experience that we can share with her? She knows that leaving it will cause more issues but is very anxious about treatment.

    Thank you for your time and consideration! God Bless!
