A Father's Story
This is a link to an NOCC video. It's on the Wyler's FB page. A father's beautiful tribute to his daughter, who died of OVCA. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EzcEIx1gFD4 Also, if you "like" the Wyler's site, they will donate another dollar to NOCC. They have raised over $6,000 so far. Please pass it on! Carlene
Just diagnosed Stage IV
Very afraid, and alone. Feels like I'm going down hill so fast. Fluid around lungs, not breathing very well, pain prevents me from lying down. Vomiting blood. They say chemo will help my lungs, but now with the blood I'm afraid it's already too late. Husband is having a very hard time with this and so stays away from me in…
Doxil , thrush , mouth ulcers
Hi ladies , hope you are all ok. I am with mum and she is complaining of thrush and mouth ulcers.has anyone else had thrush while on doxil, I asked if her mouth and tongue looked normal she said it she has a whitish film on her tongue , so I am wondering if she has thrush in her mouth, is this common? We have got come…
Looking for a mental health check
I wake up everyday and hope that things are normal again. That somehow overnight little "cancer elves" have made my mother better and all will be sunshine and rainbows again. OK, that is so not happenng!!!! but whats wrong with hope? I want someone to tell me that kicking and screaming, looking for any positive light in…
I am aware that a normal ca125 is <35 .... when I was diagnosed in Jan 2011 my initial reading was 5882. Has anyone else had such a high reading?
Why did friends disappear after they heard I have Ovarian cancer?
It seems like quite a few of my so called "friends" have disappeared since hearing I have ovarian cancer. Is it normal? Are people still that afraid of the "cancer" word?
Are there any updates on Nancy591
Hi, has anyone heard how Nancy591 is doing. I hope she is doing better and on her way to recovery.
not the news i wanted to hear
on may 6th i had my last carbo/taxol and on 11th my ct scan. yesterday doctor's office called with ct report. good news - no new spots bad news - whatever was left after debulking surgery got smaller but still there - i have spots on liver and spleen. my gun/onc appointment next friday so i will find out action plan. my…
The Product of the day is: Breakfast Products.....Maple syrup and cereal
Did you know that there are 210 calories in 1/4 cup of Aunt Jemima Original Mapple Syrup? Given that there are now over 120 fluid ounces of Maple syrup in the house, that's over 12,000 calories....We also have every variety of breakfast cereal you could imagine...With the eggs, and all this, I have decided to throw a…
trouble sleeping
I will finish my first (and hopefully last) chemo round next week. I was just wondering why it is so hard to sleep. Is it the chemo, the lack of actual physical exercise, or the anxiety of the disease. I dont take steroids so I can't blame that. Does sleeping get better after chemo? Do others have trouble sleeping or is it…
The power of prayer and positive people in my life.
Two years ago in March, I was dx with this disease. At the time, my prognosis was so poor, that I was encouraged to think about where to place my 14 year old twins since I am a single mother with no family close by. (I am in Kansas and my family in California.) I was told since I would spend alot of time in the Hospital,…
Where are you???
Has anyone heard from Joanie (JLoe) or Annie (Annecris)?
#5 Could today get worse?
OK, this one may not be so amusing.....I just left sister's house (lets call her W for future reference). She had just gotten off phone with Mom's gyn/onc who sounds like she bursted sister's denial bubble big time....Now I feel badly for W. Doctor told W that there was no way Mom was going to get avastin next week (yes…
Journal Entry #4...Everything is back to normal now.....
My sister has informed me that things are fine....Mom isn't going anywhere any time soon...The hepparin is just to help the swelling and she had a great night....and day yesterday.....her nausea is under control as well.......MY VIEW: I arrived this morning to a nauseaous and paned mother who was told this am by her MD…
Heated Chemo
My sister was diagnosed with ovarian cancer two years ago. She lives in East TN and was in the military. This afforded her to travel to Atlanta to receive heated chemo. I don't know exactly what this procedure is. I just have to go on what she is willing to share. However, after that treatment along with a series of other…
Journal Entry 3 ..... The sad state of the medical doctors ...and froggy handkerchiefs
Well, so far, neither doctor has called to talk to my mother about her scans from Monday and the fact that there is no more they can do....she's sitting upstairs waiting to discuss what we're going to do next........what a poor reflection on these doctors who are supposed to walk her through this process...i think it's…
this makes me sick!!!
I saw on the news that a woman with stage 4 breast cancer is going to lose her kids to the father who lives in Chicago!!! The judge is a woman too. I can not believe she could do this to a sick woman. she said if the mother could move to Chicago she can share custody, but she can't right now. Her dr and tx are near her and…
Feeling frustrated
I was supposed to start the clinical trial last week but I couldn't get my insurance to put it in writing that they would pay for the meds. I had all the new tests and scans done. My CA-125 is up to 114 and climbing. The tumors are growing in number and in size. It is so scary. I had plueral effusion back when they…
Hello Everyone, My name is Janeth & my Mom was diagnosed for the 2nd time with ovarian cancer stage 4 :-( I'm devastated with the news!!! I'm afraid she won't be able to handle her chemo treatment that will b starting next week. what can I do to make things more easy for her??? Please help!!!!
Going in the right direction
So I just finished my 4th chemo today and before treatment they took my blood and came back to tell me that my ca-125 is 13! I hope after this one it goes down even more. This is the the fact my genetic testing came back negative have been the fisrt good news I 've heard in a while. I needed it. My WBC was at 4.0 right on…
Saying hey, with pic!
Hello everyone. First a word of thanks for your encouragement over the years. My wife was first diagnosed and treated in 2005. We have been through two recurrences since then. One in 2007 and another last year in September 2010. Blessedly the cancer has been beaten back with chemo each time. We all know what a challenge it…
Abstract: CA125 Surveillance Increases Optimal Resectability
From Gynecol Oncol. 2011 May 1: CA125 Surveillance Increases Optimal Resectability at Secondary Cytoreductive Surgery for Recurrent Epithelial Ovarian Cancer Gynecol Oncol. 2011 May 1;121(2):249-252, ND Fleming, I Cass, CS Walsh, BY Karlan, AJ Li TAKE-HOME MESSAGE Results of this single-center, retrospective analysis…
Finally, it has happened to Mom.....the gyn/oncologist spoke with her GP today and she said there was no more they could do.....the docs spoke with my sister, who spoke to me. They are calling Mom tonight....not sure what the wait is...she is in great pain....I am frustrated it has taken this long,…
Ascites ....... It's back
Mmmmm , help what do you think , the ascites slowed down , it has been four weeks since the let drain , we were hoping that would be it, however it is now back , is the treatment working?????? Or has it stopped working???. Jesus this **** is relentless , opinions please , thank you xxxx p.s the ca125 on the last draw. Was…
Stop the Madness
I hope you all don't mind, but I feel a need to "express" myself and don't want to continue stalking Barbara53....I'm afraid she has blocked my number, and although she lives 4 states aways, she is probably getting a restraining order out against me....I have never been one for journals so I just decided I am going to make…
Update on Nancy591
Nancy called me this morning. She is still in the hospital - the main hospital of Memorial Sloan-Kettering on York Ave - and the ascites is building up at an alarming rate. They are draining 3-4 liters off every day. One of her doctors offered to refer her to the palliative care team. He said she is not well enough for…
My sister is not a copy cat
Thank you all for your prayers and good thoughts for my sister. Surgery today went well with no sign of cancer. She does not get to be a copy cat. Hooray!!!!!! Lori
Update and thanks
What a nightmare day..........baseball size tumor on her liver.....FINALLY, FINALLY, a doctor who was straight with her and who called a program in her town, which has palliative care, bridge care and hospice all in one.........Mom is very sad but kind of knew.....I am relieved that she is going to get the care she…
Weight, exercise and cancer risk
Hi everyone I picked up a MacMillian cancer booklet the other day at my hospital called "Exercise after cancer treatment" as I am wanting to get my fitness back. Half way through the booklet there was a section about how oestrogen plays a part in our cancers: "The female hormone oestrogen is linked with breast cancer and…
Hard getting on with life
My mom completed her carbo/taxol tx last month. She was NED at completion. You would think I would be jumping for joy at this news but there is this big part of me that can't stop worrying for the other shoe to fall and for a reoccurance. My mom has been through a lot in the last 10 months----if she had been in a car…