Another interesting dietary study
2017 Publication concludes, "Our results reinforce the evidence that high intake of red and processed meat and alcohol increase the risk of colorectal cancer. Milk and whole grains may have a protective role against colorectal cancer. The evidence for vegetables and fish was less convincing."…
So sad to hear....
Olivia Newton-John's Breast Cancer has returned after 25 years NED and this time it has spread into her back. I can only imagine how gut-wrenching it must have been to hear that. How sad, after such a long time NED, for it to return. I know its not CRC related, but we can all appreciate and commiserate with her pain. Tru
Bioactive Dietary Strategies
Here is an interesting article I came accross on dietary strategies: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5083978/
Spine Lesion
I got some good scan results a couple of weeks ago....or so I thought. We've been continuously watching my lungs for many years since I've had a couple of recurrences there. A couple of spots showed up about nine months ago that my oncologist finally feels confident that they have remained stable and that they are most…
Dye hair--is it bad?
Is dyeing hair while still on treatment get a bad reaction to our system? Had anyone dyed their hair while still under FOLFOX treatment?
is surgery the only way?
I am new here. I had a colonoscopy at the end of March. The surgeon took a polyp off and told me to come back in 3 years. Next thing I know my Dr. Office called and said they want to see me. On May 9th I was told I have rectal cancer. I had an MRI and it was in conclusive. My CEA was 7. I had a CT scan on 24th. Waiting for…
Back pain/chemo
I admit, I would like to blame all my problems on chemo. I have had more back pain than usual since starting chemo. I know chemo effects the fast growing cells. Does it make sense that I would be slower to heal from back pain? Has anyone else had this experience? Thanks.
Painful, irritated foot
I have a red, irritated area on the joint that joins the second toe near the ball of my foot. It was really red along the joint line and quite painful to walk. Went to clinic and got oral antibiotic (10 days) and antibiotic cream - now a blister has appeared. Wondering if this is from chemo - having folfiri (irinotecan…
Itchy hands, arms, and neck
I started to develop some spots on my hands and lower arms. At first they were nothing, but later became itchy. Not too bad, but annoying. Then it started around my neck, like where my shirt collar touches my neck. Has anyone else observed this side effect?
Xelox for stage 3
Hi, I start chemo next week, xelox- iv oxaliplatin (3 hour infusion 1st day of cycle and xeloda oral pills 2 weeks then 1 week break-3 week cycle. Can you share your experience on this regimen? How did your body react to the oxaliplatin and xeloda? For oxaliplatin, were your side effects immediate? How long before you were…
So after 3 rounds of Irinotecan + Erbitux, my mom got a swollen abdomen full of ascites. Paracentesis to be done tomorrow but ascites means peritoneal involvement. Our onc ruled out Stivarga and recommended immunotherapy (Keytruda). I feel really devastated exhausting all standard chemo regimens in less than a year.…
chemo- stage 3 due to a tumor deposit
Hi all, I am 37 just diagnosed at the end of March with colon cancer. I had surgery to remove the tumor. Pathology report shows 37 lymphnodes removed, no cancer in any lymphnodes but one tumor deposit in the subsereseol fat. Due to tumor deposit, it is considered stage 3. Anyone have this and did you do the full chemo…
Post LAR
I'm 6 weeks out from my LAR ( had an end to end anasmatosis most all of rectum was removed ) and am having lots of poo issues. Clustering/going 10-20x a day, then constipation, rectal pain, urgency... I'm trying to keep track of want I eat in relation to the symptoms I'm having. Anyone have any thoughts on how long after…
Swollen abdomen from Irinotecan?
Can Irinotecan cause noticebly swollen abdomen? After 3 rounds of Irinotecan + Erbitux my mom's belly is noticeably swollen and does not seem to get smaller. She does pass a fair amount of gas though and feels a bit better afterwards. No diarrhea at all... I am worried if it's ascites. Going to have an appointment with the…
Unexplained GI bleeding
Hey everyone, I had posted on here before but I decided to post again because it's been a while and I since haven't found an answer to my symptoms. So I started having blood in my stool back in August when I noticed a drop in my Hemoglobin. I took a stool test which came back positive for blood, so my GI recommended a…
Mother (78 years) diagnosed with colon cancer - chemo or no chemo - help!
All, My 78 year old mother has been diagnosed with colon cancer. the doctors say it is in the sigmoid region. the CT scans also revealed multiple tumors (5) on the liver. The doctors say it is a stage IV cancer. they have placed a stent in her sigmoidal region. Although the cancer is so advanced she never complained of any…
Cannabis, thoughts?
So I get angry when I get the posts on Facebook about any sort of supposed 'cure' for cancer. To my knowledge, none of them work. Cannabis is one of the ones I see quite often on Facebook. The post usually claims that it cures cancer. If I bother to respond I say that it helps with side effects but it doesn't cure or kill…
Is port flushing painful? Answers needed please
I will be on my third treatment with FOLFOX today. Praying the dripping won't escaped from the vein this time. It did last time, I didn't know it was dripping off the vein, all I remember was the severe pain. It drip off the vein for 46 hours causes and left massive bruises on my chest all the way to my underarm. Very…
narrow stool, pain, colonoscopy upcoming
Hello, My name is Kelly. I figured I would say hi. I have a gut feeling, no pun intended, that I will be back needing support. I am not doing too well. Some days are better than others...I’ve had inflammatory bowel disease for thirty years and wasn’t medicated for twenty-nine years because i was no longer bleeding but I…
We got the adjuvant chemo plan today
We saw the oncologist today and found out my husbands plan for chemo. He will have four months of Folfox. Specifically he will have 2 days every two weeks of 5fu pump and an infusion of oxaliplatin once every two weeks. Prior to surgery the plan was two days of 5fu but due to finding one out of 31 nodes tested involved and…
Colon Cancer Survivors
Although the news report seems obvious it's encouraging that leading a healthy lifestyle after diagnosis and treatment reduces recurrence. http://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/colon-cancer-survivors-live-longer-healthy-habits-n761231 Here's to tree nuts! Cindy
Colvera, has anyone had this blood test done?
My mother just had this new blood test done in conjuction with the CEA. It's a new FDA approved blood test that shows cancer in your DNA I guess. Basically if it comes back at even a 1 it's not good, that means it's in her blood . Her past two CEA's were 25. She had a ressection on April 18th with no treatment yet. We are…
Rare Liver Surgery for Colon Cancer Patient
I wanted to share what I found in my local news: TAMPA -- A Tampa man is cancer free thanks to an extreme liver surgery. Sixty-seven-year-old Ken Brant was diagnosed with colon cancer in 2011. He had surgery to remove the tumor, but in December 2016 he was diagnosed with liver cancer. * ALPS surgery involves splitting…
So nervous due to nurse's negligence
The more I think of my 3rd infusion getting closer to its schedule, the more I become a nervous wreck! I don't think I will have this panic attack if the nurse listened to me the day she put the tape over the port that its painful the infiltrate won't happen. And because of the nurse's stubbornness I'd suffered for 46…
New treatments for metastatic colon cancer that has spread to the lung
Hello, I'm looking for any information any of you might have regarding treatment of metastatic (advanced) colon cancer that has spread to the lung.I have been reserchimg immunotherapy treatment but i f am still unclear of their developments in the lines of colon cancer. My Mother has been battling this cancer for more than…
Low platlets
my platlets and wbc count are in the boots, chemo is till go, this weekend after infusion of 5 fu is disconected will give myself injection x3, of Grastofil to boost bone marrow production and all those low counts. kidney function is good , nettle tea took care of that. Another problem are high Liver functions, any…
New to this...
The begining of this year I started having some dull pains that came and went in my left side. Didn't think much of it until after a few months and my testicle swole. My fiancée pushed for me to be seen by her family doctor. That lead to a CT scan which showed inflammation and thickening of the colon. The doc then did a…
Vitamin C?
I just read this and I'm wondering if any of you colon cancer gurus have any thoughts on this. https://nutrigift.com/vitamin-c-therapy/ It says you're supposed to get the vitamin C through intravenous to get enough so that's a drawback. I'm certainly willing to take more vitamin C in tablet form, though. Thanks for any…
Mom had her colosotmy on Tuesday, came home yetseday. Doing ok except can't not seem to drink or eat very well. Dr won't call in anti nausheu meds in case of an obstruction? Anyone have and experience with this.
Happy Mother's Day
Happy Mother's Day to all. With each holiday that goes by I think, Wow I am so blessed to be here. NED 5 years and 4 months! I send best wishes to all.