Planned Outage on 10/9
There will be a planned CSN outage on 10/9/15 from 5am-8am EST while the site undergoes some maintenance. We apologize for the inconvenience. Rowan CSN Support Team
Been out of touch for awhile
Hi Everyone. I have been out of touch for a few weeks. We just got back from a month in Costa Rica. We were celebrating my 60th birthday. 4 years ago I wasn't sure I would ever see it so we decided to celebrate with an adventure. I learned a few things about myself while we were gone. See, Costa Rica is amazing. For a…
Pain in hips. buttocks, legs and groin area after radiation and chemo for rectal cancer
Hello, I am new here and not sure how this all works, but here goes. I am a rectal cancer survival of 1 yr. I have consistently experienced pain in my hips, buttocks, legs and groin area. Some days are worst than other but I hurt everyday. I get very stiff when I sit for periods of time and it hurts if I stand for too long…
Continuing Erbitux (Cetuximab) Treatement
Hey all. I haven't posted in a while. I've been super busy with work, family, home, etc. [which is a good thing]. The one downside is that I really haven't had much time to read/post. I'm scheduled for another round of scans (CT and MRI) on Monday. And then Erbitux treatment number 16 on Thursday next week. I expect to get…
Probable lung mets- scared
I saw the thoracic surgeon this morning regarding the spots on my lung that had shown up in my last CT scan in August. I thought he was going to be setting me up for a biopsy but he's not. If the spots are cancer and not scar tissue like we hoped then they're inoperable because of where they're placed. Also because of my…
Passing gas with a colostomy
When my husband Tim passes gas thru the stoma IT IS LOUD! Does not smell, but you can hear it across the room. Other than diet, is there anything that he can purchase or use that will muffle the sound?
For those with an Ostomy (sudden indigestion issues), not cancer related.
So I'm cancer free two years now, been fine, modified my diet, semi smooth sailing once I go the hang of it. I'm suddenly having a serious problem with indigestion. I had trouble swallowing a few days back. I could chew but the food wouldn't go down. I had to chew the food really tiny. Every time I eat, I feel like I have…
mcrc - liver mets - bilirubin > 7 - erbitux only recommended
After SIRT in February 2015 Since last month the cancer markers increased sharply. CT-PET didn't show new lesions or increase. Since last month the bilirubin was 3.5 . Now it is 7 and i have ascites ( significant) as per ultrasound. Local oncologist says that it is hepatic failure and Now 1it is necessary to take erbitux…
Treatment option...
Looks like there is another drug available for CRC patients. Hope the link works. http://www.curetoday.com/articles/fda-approves-lonsurf-for-advanced-colorectal-cancer?utm_source=Informz&utm_medium=Cure+Today&utm_campaign=CURE%5FBreaking%5FNews%5F9%2D22%2D15
Interesting - AstraZeneca taps crowd sourcing to find cancer drug cocktails
http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/09/22/us-astrazeneca-cancer-idUSKCN0RM0MG20150922 The cynical part of me thinks they just purchased a bunch of good press, the hopeful part of me sees a company trying to do something right along these lines "AstraZeneca's decision to make a large data set available to outside…
Cardiac catheterization *UPDATE*
UPDATE 9/24 We saw my brother's oncologist today. My brother will restart chemo either this upcoming week or the next. They're just waiting on insurance approval. They're usually pretty quick, so I'm assuming he'll start on Thursday. They decided that the 5-FU is too strong for his heart and the irinotecan stopped working.…
Interesting article on oxi-induced neuropathy and CaMg
http://medicalxpress.com/print362017956.html This item i haven't read all yet of as its rather lengthy http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.3322/caac.21286/full
PET/CT results
I had my PET/CT on Wed. I asked for a CD of the study and looked at it Wed night. There were three concerning sites to me. Nothing in liver or lungs. But two bright spots in my pelvis and one by my spine just above the diaphragm. (I am in the medical field) Anyway, I got the results yesterday and they say it is negative!!…
So Glad to be Home
Had surgery on August 13th which generally went well. Removed CRC tumor, repaired 3 hernias that were caused by 2 surgeries I had 38 years ago. Now I'm the temporary owner of an ileostomy for the next 6 months or so which is like deja vu because I had one of those 38 years ago for 10 months for a different reason. It's…
First day of chemo
My husband Tim finally had his first chemo treatment with FOLFOX (sp?). After treatment they sent him home with a pump for 3 days. Today he has been very tired and just yucky feeling. Home nurse will come tomorrow to disconnect the pump. Sure hope he feels better after that! He will do this every 2 wks. Oncologist will…
Liver Resection - what to expect?
Hi all, New to CSN. Dx Stage IV Colon Cancer 10/21/14. Had 14 rounds of chemo (FOLFOX & FOLFIRI) which went well. I'm scheduled to have the right lobe of liver removed 9/25. What should I expect post-op? How long before I can eat a regular diet and how long til I can drive? I've seen on some boards people suggesting I wear…
The Results are In. Things just got more bizarre.
The thyroid biopsy came back. The doctor said he has two types of cancer in his thyroid... Didn't say what kinds. They had to send his file up to MD Anderson at Cooper and UPenn because they don't know what to do with it. Slow growing, but still bizarre. No mention of anapalastic so we are assuming it is not that. No idea…
Results Tomorrow
Tomorrow my dad gets the biopsy results back on his thyroid... We were told he will either get good news (fully treatable thyroid cancer or lymphoma) or bad news (anaplastic thyroid cancer). The first scenario he'll live normally, the second scenario he'll die within 6 months. The span of good to bad is pretty insane.…
CEA results
I had my blood done last week and got the results this morning. This is the first step in finding out what the spots on my left lung are. Next is the biopsy but I haven't had a call regarding when that will be yet. My cea is 1.0. I wish it was a definitive test. I'm so happy but so scared to be happy in case the spots are…
Updated 9/14
The catherization and possible stent were supposed to be set up for Monday. My sister was supposed to get a call on Friday to confirm the time and be given the steps my brother needs to take. NO CALL! When she called the cardiologist who sent her to the cardiac surgeon, he said she has to wait until Monday morning to speak…
feeling nervous
I was feeling really good after my colectomy. So much better because I was very anemic and had a small bowel obstruction before surgery. For the last 24 hours or so, I am feeling exhausted again and have mild stomach pain. Just imagining the worst.
Colostomy Surgery done!!
My husband Tim has now finished his last procedure on the list, next is chemo!!! The Dr left the tumor alone for now, but with the colostomy he does not have any pressure/pain trying to have a bowel movement. This is such good news. Now he can finally start chemo in a couple of weeks. Have been waiting for this day for…
Member manwithnoname's son ...
does anyone know how his son is doing? He mentioned in a message, I think in July, that his son was going to have scans at that time ... I don't believe he has posted since then. Anyone have any information? I was always so touched by how hard he fought to help his son ...
I have KRAS mutation p.G13D or c.38G>A. Unfortunately MIS not detected. BRAF also not detected. I know that's not fabulous to be KRAS positive and I know that I can't use anti-EGFRs. What else do I need to know? Anybody researched this recently and know of new strageties, specifics of type of KRAS mutation, clinical…
Unreal - Need Root Canal, But It Provided A Chance To Pay It Forward About CRC
So a tooth started hurting the other day, pretty bad, worse than the CRC Surgery :) Went to general dentist the other day and the speciialist today. Confirm to try root canal (my teeth generally okay). Sort of just shook my head, "Sure why not?" Perhaps I would have been more upset about 9 months ago before cancer, now…
The plan so far
Hello everyone! I will have my port placed tomorrow. I have my first PET/CT scheduled for the 16th. I have an appointment with my local onc on the 22nd. And I have an appointment with MD Anderson on Oct 6th. I want to start Folfox asap, but MD Anderson does not want me to start treatment until after I have my first…
Changing your position may increase effectiveness of colonoscopy:
www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/changing-patients-position-helps-effectiveness-of-colonoscopyespecially-on-one-side-300140598.html specifically: laying on left side while right side is probed.
UPDATE - All Good? RE: Surgery Tomorrow... But Not in the "Normal" Spot
Update 9/10/15: So they couldn't remove the mass... mainly because it's very large and possibly lymphoma, meaning it's very treatable and there is no reason to go through with a massive surgery. They inspected his vocal cords and found that they were not involved nor are his airways. The doctor spoke to us and said he…
Last words from Winter Marie
This was posted on Winter Marie's facebook page. I don't know who put it there, but I can believe it was something Winter herself wrote. I post is here because she mentions you. ____________________________________________ I did not go peacefully into the night. I was busy kicking and screaming at the grim reaper when he…
Ever have one of those days?
I can't even really explain it. Nothing specific has happened, I've just had this feeling of unease all day. I've become pretty good at blocking things out and just living in the moment, but it's not happening today. is 4:00 too early to go to bed?? I guess I first have to convince my three year old that it's bedtime!