Hello all. This nausea is kickin my behind!!! Every day since surgery 4 wks ago it has been awful. Any suggestions to help relieve it or any explanations as to why so bad (if you experienced it)? Thanks!
Need your input regarding Sutent medication
Hi, I would appreciate having your experience regarding the SUTENT medication. He should start soon after the biopsie. My husband is having a kidney cancer stage 4 (metastasis lungs + bones). Thanks for your help.
Anyone had any problems with urinary tract infections post surgery I had my surgery on Sept 21st I was recovering well but three weeks after surgery I started having UTI.s The first one was horrendous.. Spent a day in hospital and a week in bed Get prompt antibiotics every time ... tested with samples and Microbiology…
The verdict is in....
I have stage 1 kidney cancer, the good news is Dr thinks he can do a partial removal , he also said that it not an aggresive one and no chemo or radiation Trying to get surgey scheduled in the next 2 weeks, as I want it out ASAP This is the best news that I could have hoped for considering the mass was over 5CM Sal
See the surgeon tomorrow morning...
Hoping and praying that he schedules surgery asap. Scared like everyone else, but so ready to get this thing out of me! Tired of being tired aka no energy all the time, tired of the pain in my side. No appetite. 2nd CT scan done 11/29 COMPARISON: Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the abdomen without/with contrast of 9/5/2017.…
One week post surgery for full neph-thank g-d recovery has been great-no pain,appetite, getting round, but I can't sleep. No fatigue and if I fall asleep I toss and turn. Even oxycodon didn't put me to sleep-anyone been there any suggestions-thanks in advance
Has anyone ever heard of recurrences in clear cell tumors under 2cm? I have been told highly unlikely.
Another New Member :(
Hello Everyone I was just diagnosed on 11/12 with a 10cm renal mass on my right kidney. Followed up with a Urologist who said that it looks to be contained to the kidney. Had a CT scan of my chest done which thankfully showed negative according to the radiologist. I was then scheduled to have a complete nephrectomy on…
Am I rushing things?
I know everyone is different and I’ve read people’s posts about recovery, so that leads me to believe I might be rushing back into things after surgery. I had a right radical nephrectomy on 11/6/17. I was released/went back to work on 11/28/17. I’m back to walking 4 miles a day and my appetite came back with in a week.…
New Member
Hey all; I was just diagnosed with Kidney Cancer last Friday; however, the CAT scan wasn't conclusive as to whether or not it was Renal Cell or the more dreaded Transitional. My tumor is 5 cm and is protruding (appears to be) into the Ureter. It has been a whirlwind weekend to say the least and my emotions have been all…
D day 12/5
I am on pins and needles. Prepping for the worst, praying for the best.
First scan
Had my first scan since my nephrectony and it came back "no evidence of any metastic disease". It is a nice Christmas present as I was really worried. I know I'll be having lots of scans on the future but I'm so relieved and happy at this moment.
Internal healing after partial nephrectomy?
Hi all, I recently had a laparoscopic partial nephrectomy. Somewhere around +50% of the right kidney was removed together with a tumor of 3,5x3cm. The surgery was on nov 14, almost 3 weeks ago now. I have been looking around the internet for information about recovery and exercise. What I have found, amongst other general…
RCC, scans, and lung nodule
Hey everyone! I'm 35 and had my left kidney removed in July after discovery of 8.5 cm mass on it. My lymphnodes in my neck were swollen and I had a pain in my left side. Thought I had strep or had been bitten by a tick. Pathology came back stage 3 cystic clear cell renal cell carcinoma grade 1. It had grown into my…
Just checking back in. It's been a while since I've been here. Just had my yearly scans and everything looks great. 3 years now. So, yay me. I still have a larger, funkyish cyst that we are watching in my remaining kidney, but that has not changed, so yay again. Only new development is some funky labs. Not awful, but…
Jelly Legs??
Something new popped up today. Three and a half weeks past surgery and I have jelly legs. They feel so weak and shaky today! Almost as if they won't hold me up. Anyone experience this and know why? It isn't awful, just weird lol. Call me Shaky Dave lol.
Looking for guidance
In May 2017, I had a 1.2 cm right kidney tumor removed. The docs had been watching it for 1.5 years with no change. Finally, the anxiety was too much and I had it removed. The path report showed it as a 1.2 cm clear cell Furhman grade 1, stage 1 pt1a. It was cut out using hand sssisted laposcopic procedure. my urologist…