Tingling in legs and feet when I tilt my head down
I am a head and neck cancer patient. Had cancer of the left tonsil that had spread to a lymph node. I completed treatments last August. In September I developed tingling in my toes and fingers. Was told this was periphial neuropathy due to my cisplatin chemo. My recent PET scan did not show anything abnormal. Recently I…
complications need advise
My husband was diagnosed with base of tongue cancer. We live in NE Pennsylvania about 2 hours from Philly. The pathology report stated that it was "large cell undifferentiated carcinoma markers, with neurendocrine features. Positive for epithelial markers,MOC-31, chromogranin, synaptphysin". Our oncologist suspects that…
Vacationing and accomodating
Well we are attempting our first vacation since diagnosis and treatment. We finished the last of our tx. in September but fought horrible mucositis and other side effects into October. We are still dealing with severe dry mouth, dry eyes, some fatigue, and using the PEG. But it was time to get out of Dodge - or in our case…
Not sure if I should just flip a coin
Hi all been awhile.Anyway in Dec I an xray done of my jaw to make sure it was solid enough for implants.Last June they did a bone graph to seal up a small hole in my chin to make healing faster then waiting for it to fill in.Finally heard back from my doctors nurse.She said the x-rays shown that the jaw looked to be in…
Back to the Island again
Made it back Home again. The one thing I know about life is that there is no place like home. I was not born on the Island but I grew up on it, and enjoy it everytime I get to come back. Now after 43 years of working in the US I can come and go and stay as long as I want. I am not sure what it is about this place but it…
interesting article on NPC
interesting article posted today about NPC...hopefully this gets us closer to understanding this freakin 'C' and beating it. http://www.healthcanal.com/cancers/69683-dna-change-impacts-spread-of-cancer-causing-virus.html
Janet Jackson - hope it's not HNC
Glycopyrrolate for mucousitis
Has anyone here tried this drug? My husband was given this on Monday, and I must say that it has been working wonders for him. He had a pretty rough end to the week last week with really bad mucousitis, which caused him to vomit a few times and really prevented him from eating by mouth. Thank goodness for the PEG tube over…
American Cancer Society Has Let Us Down
American Cancer Society Has Let Us Down Because: Medicine still treats head cancer the same way medicine did in 1994. I was given a terminal diagnosis. I survived. But not really. I suffered for the last 15 years from the aftermath of 7500 Rads of radiation to my head, throat and lungs. Now, I have received a prognosis of…
End of life
When I was on here a few months ago looking for help with radiation and chemo, I remember a few of you were family members of those who have passed. While this is a scary topic for some, I need help. My mom is terminal. She was told she had a year to live just 3 weeks ago and now she is told she has less than 3 weeks (with…
Return to work or disability
Now that my husband is out a ways and recovering we are discovering how hard it is for him to get back to work. How does anyone do it? For him, the fatigue is pretty severe and we're still transitioning to solid foods, so getting adequate nutrtion and hydration takes a lot of time during our day. He is considering early…
Another famous person
Uh, there's some famous people who have had H&N C. Just read about another. Uh. kcass
First round of treatments done!
Last Tuesday I had the final radiation treatment. My white blood cell counts were too low the three times we attempted chemo, so we called chemo done as well. So I'm all done with the first round of treatments! In February, I have two rounds of higher dose chemo (Carboplatin and Taxol), three weeks apart. Then in March or…
Having trouble with no saliva
Hello, I am looking for help please. My salivary glands were burned away in what was considered "stone age" radiation 18 years ago, I had a stage 4 tumor at the base of my tongue and received radiation twice a day for 8 weeks. It metastasized onto my carotid artery and I had a radical neck dissection. I lived and the…
Welcome 2016 This is for all the "Newer" members to our family.
We always welcome the New Members with open arms, but always have to add we are sorry you need to be here. Yes you will be going down a very rough road. Just about the worst road there is with twists and turns everywhere. So for all the caregivers and patients gowing through this remember you are not alone in this. So…
ROLL CALL 2016 Roll Call is dedicated to the memory of HAWVET (JOHNNY) who’s curiosity to know and to share a little bit about members of the Head and Neck Form inspired him to start and run this thread (2008 thru 2014). Thank You. First off, please feel free to Enroll (name, town, state, dx) or Check-In whenever you see…