It's 12:17 in Montego Bay Jamaica, mON. MERRY CHRISTMAS SEMI-COLONS!!! Yah, mON, I'm in for a couple of days in Montego Bay, Jamaica. No worry about snow here! Pass the sunscreen. We did, however, manage to capture some of the holiday spirit... the crew collected about $800 and we bought presents for kids at a home for…
Have a Merry Christmas!
I wish all of you a MERRY MERRY Christmas. I hope you're all surrounded by family and friends :) julie
Some good news....finally!
Hi all, just wanted to share some good news for a change. Hubby is home for the holidays!! Docs let him come home yesterday. If all goes well, he can stay home. He has been taking Reglan to regulate his bowel and it finally started working. He still feels like crap and is on a liquid diet, but at least he is home! He is on…
lung nodules and scared!
hi all, read every day, but don't often respond. Mostly because i feel i have little to add to the conversation (you guys are all just so darn knowledgeable;-) However, i just got bad news and am looking for encouragement. Diagnosed with rectal cancer july 2003. Chemo/radiation followed by surgery (including temporary…
Merry Christmas
Hi to all my semi-colon friends ,it isChristmas eve here in Australia . I wish you all a very merry Christmas may you all enjoy a truce with this cursed disease and spend some quality time with family and friends and may you all come back healthier and heartier in the new year ,good luck, my love to all ,Ron and Susan.
I just completed my three month check, CT scans, PETscan, as well blood test. I am very happy to say that I remain in remission. I would like to take this time to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and Happy New year. I look forward to the New Year and the blessings it will bring. Thank you for all the post which have…
Hi everyone, I haven't posted in a while and just wanted to let you know that I'm doing ok physically. My pet scan this week came back clear! I'm having a difficult time emotionally. I think that since I was diagnosed I have been on autopilot and now I'm really feeling the diagnosis. This has been a bad year. Aside from…
Lucky Me
I just celebrated another birthday and cannot believe a whole year has passed. And it was a pretty good year. NED! It is so unfair that it just zipped by me so fast. Why can't things slow down the way they do when you are in pain; seeing a large roster of doctors and running around wondering if you will live to see another…
Did you miss me??
Hi all, Haven't gotten to catch up on posts yet. Just wanted to drop by quickly and catch you up a little. I went in to the hospital Friday and just got home a little while ago. My colostomy quit working and also my bladder. It had backed up into my kidney and both were causing severe pain. Felt like I was in labor again.…
Anybody else get an annual chest X-ray
Hi all you semi-colons. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Just wanted to let you know I had my annual colonoscopy and got good results. My blood work was also good. My oncologist recommended an annual chest X-ray. Does any one else get an annual chest X-ray. He also said I only need a blood test once a year because my…
A Holiday Wish
Dear Friends, Please excuse my absence from posting, but I'm in the middle of remodeling and there is a constant crew of people in my home. Also, my mother is in a nursing/rehabilation facility and I spend my waking time there. Please know that I welcome any new semi-colons that may have joined our group. You have come to…
A "Why God?" Day
Today is one of those days where I would like to have a sit down chat with God. You know, like over coffee. I would like to ask him...among other things... Why did you create cancer? Why did you make it so terrible? Why can't you just make sure bad people get it??? etc. I am so down today. I am usually so up an positive…
GREAT NEWS!!! REMISSION FOR HUBBY! depression for me?
Hi all, been a long time since I posted ... Sorry bout that... Not been myself lately... 1st update on hubby - dx feb. 04 stag 4 with met to the liver. Met was removed at Johns Hopkins in late August. Surgery went fine, hubby did not return to "normal" for weeks due to the pain meds they had him on. He is doing so much…
unknowns~info required please
can anybody advise if adhesions can only be an issue during the wound recovery time, or if you can still get them long after an op. also, it would be interesting to know how long typically a single cancer cell would need to grow to a tumor which can cause a Dukes 3 colon result at diagnosis, (colon completely obstructed).
Great Book Recommendation
Hi All, Firstly, I want to wish each and every one of you a safe and happy holiday season and I truly hope that 2005 will be a healthy year for all of us. I want to recommend a great book that I read when I was first diagnosed in May, 2004 and have re-read it numerous times over the past months. Its called "Cancer, 50…
my mom isn't feeling well today. she hasn't gone to the washroom in 2 days and took a laxative last night but it didn't work. we left messages for a couple of her doctors so hopefully we'll get a call back soon. she says she a has bit of gas but will feel much better if she 'goes'. any suggestions? julie
Good News on the Check-Up Front
Hello Everyone, I nearly had to tie my hands down so I wouldn't get on here and whine last night about how scared I was of today's appointment. I got great news, nothing at the tumor site and cea below 1 (well, it was .5 when I had cancer?!). The doc said that the check-ups are less intense as time passes because most…
Time to hear from Sue again
Hi Sue, How did the party that you were planning for Bob go? I do hope he is hanging in there and that you are OK too. Let us know.
For the Most Part A Good Update
Hi all you guys and gals: First, thank you for the bottom of my heart for your prayers and positive wishes for the results of my mom's latest tests which we received December 17, 2004. I am so sorry that I have not been able to post sooner but I have been so busy this weekend with so many Holiday functions to attend and my…
Peritoneal Carcinomatosis Update
Hi All, I received word late Friday night that Dr. Sugarbaker, the surgeon in Washington who does the cytoreduction surgery for peritoneal carcinomatosis, has decided that I am a good candidate for the surgery and he will perform it on Feb. 7 or sooner if he can find a date. I am thrilled!!! To put it mildly!! I will never…
Not good news
Hi all, hope everyone is doing well. Things are not looking too good here. Scott is still in the hospital. They cannot get his bowels working. He has not eaten solid food for 2 weeks. He has been on a liquid diet, but as of this morning he's been throwing up. Now he is complaining of ribs pain. They are doing a bone scan…
I got this in my e-mail today; I subscribe to "Beliefnet". I thought y'all could relate to it: Today's Quote A person without a sense of humor is like a wagon without springs --jolted by every pebble in the road. -Henry Ward Beecher Have a great day - and be sure to laugh at least once - especially if it's at yourself!…
An Update on Jerri
Jeez, does this out-of-control roller coaster ride ever slow down???? Jerri is now 7 1/2 weeks past her surgery (removed a foot of lower part of colon; complete hysterectomy; a soccer-ball-size tumor on each ovary--one had ruptured before surgery; removed lymph nodes closest to the colon that tested positive; the doctors…
Just need to vent
I hope this finds all doing well. I know I don't post unless I have a question or need to vent, but I do log on, read new post and pray for all every night. Things have been going pretty well since my husbands transanal excision surgery last Feb. All test showed NED in October. He's had a pretty rough day today. He's had a…
side effects of avastin/falfox
Has anyone experienced a n extremely heaviness in legs/hands and when does it go away?
ct. scan results
i want to start this post by saying thank you to all of you who sent prayers my way.it is very much appreciated.my ct. scan results were not good.the cancer has gotten larger in my lymph nodes in my back area.my oncologist has decided to add cetuxinab to my cpt-11.does anyone have any experience with this treatment? i…
In October I had severe pressure on the left rectum. I had a petscan which should nothing.CEA are normal.The pain on the right side persisted very bad. It causes pressure on the rectum and by the bladder. I had an MRI last week which showed a sacral insufficiency fracture although underlying metastasis cannot be excluded.…
Back to square one
WEll I came here a few weeks ago to find out what I could about what my mom might have, took her on Monday for a second opinion, come to find out the drs. we had been going to since March have been treating the wrong cnacer. This new onc. could tell just by the pathology report. I can honestly say I wasn't as shocked as…
xmas greetings
Hullo dear friends--and I do not say that lightly! I am sorry for not posting lately but most of you know I have been awol working with my son the past 2 weeks. I will be away until xmas eve.(I may get here tomorrow) So it is time for me to express my feelings to you all. Jen and I are TRULY thankfull to have such…
Your Prayers & Positive Vibes Requested
Hi everyone. Couldn't sleep yet even though I've been up since 4:00 a.m. PST. I would like you to please send some positive thoughts, vibes, prayers for my mom tomorrow. She's back from Europe and had a great time and on December 10, it was time for scans. Results are in tomorrow and of course, as we all know, I'm very…