Hi Ladies, I have been lurking around here for awhile and just couldn't get myself to post, as it is made it seem more real. I have seen all of the support you provide one another and feel I certainly could benefit (by both being supported and supporting). My mom (age 73) was diagnosed in March/April 2009 with Stage 2C…
treatment change
Spoke with the oncologist. My treatment will now be changed to Taxol/Avastin. Believe it or not this time around I am upset about losing my hair. I go next week for my first Taxol infusion. Since it is almost 2years since I've last had Taxol I am hoping it will work well for me again.
I made it!
I am in Manhattan and have already made plans to meet up with Joni for dinner. My appointment is tomorrow morning, first vaccine injection. I have never seen so many people in such a small area. And the cars....wow. Even Dallas does not come close. Carlene
Response from American Cancer Society re: discussion board topics on search engines
Hi everyone, I did receive a response from the ACS and I noticed today on the page where they list all the various types of cancer, there is now a disclaimer. I feel that they should have had this originally. I don't mind sharing my experiences but I thought that a discussion group was confidential between their members.…
need urgent advise
hello Ladies! i need your advise on 3 issues. #1 -2 weeks ago i had my first carbo/taxol and next week i am due again. last tonight i have developed toothache and feels like my cheeck is swallen.it is my problem tooth. i know for sure there is no nerve - r.canal was done long time ago. most likely it is some infection. i…
Location Location Location
Making hot spicy herbs as part of the diet can be beneficial. For instance, in Indiana, a Hispanic male is 6 times less likely to die from cancer as a black male even though blacks are only 30% more likely to get cancer in IN. (All stats in this comment are computed on an aged-adjusted basis from the CDC - Center for…
Mom's PET scan showed
NO cancer. I'm so elated and over the moon, but, at the same time freaked out and scared to death. Also, somewhat confused....she had a PET scan done after seven infusions of carbo/taxol because her last CA125 went up a few points instead of down. Started at 1700 and last one was in the low 80s. It's not reached the "NED"…
Is there any examples of women in their 90's being treated for ovarian cancer?
My 94 year old mother was unfortunate enough to suffer undiagnosed stage 3 or 4 ovarian cancer when she died. We did not know it until after death by autopsy. She had a 2.5 inch tumor in her right ovary that had spread. I would like to know of the experiences of other women in their 90's that have had surgery and…
Dogs Sniff Out Cancer
Oh, how I wish this were already a practical reality! http://www.npr.org/blogs/health/2011/02/02/133407830/dogs-earn-more-cred-for-sniffing-out-cancer?sc=fb&cc=fp
Can't a girl EVER catch a break?
Just broke a tooth - a tooth with a crown on it, at that. No idea how much this will cost me, since it broke off BELOW the gum line. I called my dentist (don't you just love a dentist who gives out his cell phone number?) and he said he thinks it's a tooth that I had a root canal done on last year, and hopefully the root…
Tethys41, Where do you receive your Vit C IV treatments?
Tethys41,Thank you for sharing this information. I remember reading much of what you shared about 2 1/2 years ago when I was researching to help my brother who was dying of colon cancer. He had started the treatments, and supplements too I believe, at the Wellness Center I think it was called started by Dr. Whittaker in…
It's back :( it never even left her.
I am numb, it is all I can feel at the moment. Mum received a letter today the results from her first ct scan after finishing her treatment, it is showing some cancerous deposits in her omentum and some fluid in her tummy. I have got so many questions , what next? Is this beast carbo platinum resistant or can she have more…
Link between diabeties and Ovca
Was listening to the newa and they say there may if you have dm you may very likely get ovca. I never heard of this before but it makes sense since ca. cells thrive on sugar. Are any of you diabetic, I am unfortunately. I keep my aic at 6, which is well controlled but during chemo it is high due to decadrone. I still have…
Posting of my discussion and appearing on a search engine
Hi everyone, I just got off of the phone with the American Cancer Society. I was doing a ASK.com search last night and I noticed that a discussion I posted on the ACS network appeared. I wasn't sure what it was, so I clicked on it and was surprised it was, in fact a discussion posted by me. I advised the ACS that I did not…
Trip to NYC was a no go....rescheduled for Thursday
Well, wouldn't it just figure....we arrived at the airport at 5AM for a 6:10 flight that was canceled, and instead of just telling us to go back home, they're all canceled, they just kept rolling us over to the "next flight". MSKCC had already advised me that I needed to be there by 5PM, films in hand, to get the CT scan…
Lurker Finished Last Chemo Today
My name is Renee and today I'm NED. In Dec., 2009, I was diagnosed with stage IIIC ovarian cancer after my hysterectomy. I finished my first 6 rounds of carbo/taxol in June, 2010, and today I finished maintenance taxol! I want to thank you all for all the help you've given me. I searched topics when I had questions and…
Low-grade fever
I have a low-grade fever. I haven't been in treatment since ... wow, I can't remember .. maybe 3 months. My onc didn't put me back into chemo because I was trying to get into MD Anderson (I have an appt. Feb. 15). But I've had a low grade fever for the last two days and today my right sacro-iliac joint is killing me. I…
Information on IV vitamin C use for cancer treatment
Sugar, Cancer, & IV Vitamin C As far back as 1971, Linus Pauling claimed that high dose vitamin C helps cancer patients. He conducted studies that indicated this. The Mayo Clinic conducted studies that disproved it, but they used a different form of Vitamin C and did not follow Pauling’s protocol. High dose vitamin C is…
GI Symptoms Scaring Me
I've been having GI symptoms since New Years Eve. I hardly slept that night, and started having pure liquid BM's in the early morning. Stayed in all day and felt fine the next day, even went to a pot luck and ate whatever I wanted. I felt pretty good for about a week, then started to have diarrhea, and had a repeat…
Thyroid problems and OVCA
I was wondering if any of you ladies suffered with thyroid problems prior to being diagnosed with OVCA?? I have read (somewhere) that there is some research out there where they are looking in to a link between thyroid problems and OVCA. I have an underactive thyroid which was well treated for many years until about 9-10…
MD Anderson CC survey re follow-up care for those with no recurrence
I follow Gyn Onc Foundation on Twitter and received this link today re a survey MD Anderson Cancer Center is doing on follow-up care for patients who have not had a recurrence if anyone is interested in participating. GYNCancer Your Opinion Requested http://conta.cc/fUjaP3 via #constantcontact Annie
Have a safe trip. and check in often. hugs, kat
Need advise about doxil, carboplatin treatment
This will be my 3rd treatment this week of carbo/doxil. I got the usual side effects mentioned here. Mouth sores, and blisters but also around the second week in my tougue and lips swell up making it hard to even get down the meds to help with this let alone any food. Other than ensure. etc. Have any of you had this? So…
getting off pain mediction
Any input on how to get off of pain meds after chemo?
Wife is Scared
She gets CA125 results on Wednesday and gets her 5th Taxol maintenance treatment on Thursday. She is really worried this time because she has felt some abdominal cramping starting late last week and has experienced some side pain for the last two days. She told me today she thinks the monster is back. Question: She had a…
Root Canal Survey
If you have or had cancer and DO NOT have a root canal, i'd like to hear from you. There is a theory being tossed around out there that there is a link between root canal in specific teeth and breast and ovarian cancer. I am just curious whether anyone without a root canal gets this disease. Thanks in advance. Kate
Getting off paini meds
My daughter finished her chemo just before Christmas. Now she is trying to get off all the pains. She will not talk to her doctor about it because she is afraid she will have on her medical record a dependance on pain medicine. Does anyone have any input in this matter. Thanks, Linda