RE: Reaction to chemo
Thank you all so much for your replies! You've all been very helpful. I whish sitting wasn't so uncomfortable for me, so I could spend more time by the computer chatting with you gals and reading up on all the cancer info out there. I came across an interesting site this morning (cancerguide.org) wich has uplifting as well…
Reaction to chemo?
Hi everyone! I'm new here. Just found this site yesterday. What a great place this is for support and information. You all seem very nice and helpful. I was diagnosed with stage 2c ovarian just about 6 weeks ago. Had total hystorectomy 10 days later and started chemo 2 weeks ago, expecting to have 5-7 more 3 weeks apart.…
Gemzar stopped due to low platelet count
Hi ladies...I was supposed to have my 3rd chemo treatment today but was told I couldn't because my platlet count was too low. Anyone else out there experience this? I know some chemos can cause this but this is the first time I have been told I could not have my treatment. Sounds silly but I was kind of let down. I have to…
sciatic nerve pain
Any hints on relief from taxol/carbo chemo induced sciatic nerve pain anyone can share? I have developed it after three treatments and have trouble walking and getting out of a chair. Pain pills are the only relief I have but have to take them round the clock. Heating pad helps somewhat but does not last long.
has anybody been trhough this??
My daughter went to the oncologist last week and he did checked her CA125 and did another pap... her last CA was 290 and the ultrasound came back abnormal but these results were good... CA125 was 60ish and the pap was normal. He told her to come back on the 15th of June and they would rerun them and do an ultrasound... BUT…
Home from the hospital
I finally got out of the hospital Saturday afternoon after 8 days. A couple of the days in the hospital were a little rough, but I am doing much better and seem to be in a recovery mode now. The surgery went ok, however they were not able to get all of the disease so I will be starting chemo again soon. Thanks for all the…
Hello Everyone, Just wanted to let you know I am feeling well and ready to start different attack against this invader of my body. Yesterday was the appointment at the U.I am going back to one of the very first chemos I had Carboplatin, yes my CA125 went up. Darn huh? My first dose will be on June 1 and it will be given…
4th new treatment since oct 05
Hi everyone...Well the results are in... My CA125 has gone up to 247 so I was started on Gemzar last week. I had my second treatment yesterday and other than feeling really tired and a little nausua I am handling it okay. I will be on this one until October. This is really getting old! I am starting to think that there…
My Mom's update
Hi all, My Mom has had 3 chemos too battle her recurrence (2 carbo plus Gemzar and a reinforcement of Gemzar). We are waiting for her to check her counts in order to continue. Dr. still hasn`t ordered CA 125 because her says it has to be more than one cycle to see if it's working. So I'm worried and anxoius because I don`t…
Update on Kathie 687
Hi. I am Kathie's youngest daughter, Rebekah. She wanted me to sign on and let you guys know that she is recovering well from her surgery, which was last Friday. Her cancer has spread to her abdominal cavity including her intestines so they removed as much of her intestines as they safely could but were not able to get it…
Who to tell when and how
HI, I'm facing the daunting issue of ovarian cancer. How do I tell my parents and siblings who live far away and will FREAK out with worry. Also my two young children...how do you do this?
Shopping Around for an Antidepressant
Hi all. I've been finding that I seem to need to be on an antidepressant and am having problems finding the right one for me. I've tried a couple of different ones that seem to have some bad side effects and I just got to thinking that maybe if I asked some of you nice ladies on this board if you have had any experience…
lab results
Just a uniary tract infection. I just didn't know if this was one of the strange side effects of the chemo or not. Thanks ladies for your support.
Blood in urine
I had my last chemo (taxol+carbo) the 11th and now have bloody urine. Has anyone else has this as a side effect? No other symptoms of a bladder infection. Waiting on Dr. to call me back.
Help Again - Setback
Hello, This is loeyann again, if you recall I was here a few weeks ago telling you all about my sister, well we had a major setback. She went for her second round of chemo, and well to make a long story short she ended up with a perforated bowel and had a large abcess removed from her belly port area. She is in CCU and on…
update on very confused...
Well, my daughter had her appointment with a regular oncologist today and he reran all the test ie..CA125 and also checked her thyroid and checked her for diabetics. Since her last appt. (1 1/2 weeks ago) she has lost 13 lbs. He did tell that she is going to have surgery and he is sending her to a GYN/ONC. BUT because she…
Ovarian Cancer Discovered after Hysterectomy
I went in for a hysterectomy. Prior to the proceedure I had an ultra sound that did not show my right ovary. I asked the gyn to take a look during surgery. He found it and the tumour that came along with it. Pathology report came back and the tumour had some unfavorable cells. I was referred to a gyn.onc. I do not have a…
ovarian cancer
I had surgery for ovarian cancer stage 3 on December 8th followed by six session of chemo (Taxol) I have since developed terrible muscle and joint pain, after numerous blood test doctor says my ERS is high and I have polymyalgia, has anyone had similar results?
vey confused!!
My daughter is 28 yrs and a single mom. She has had 2 opnions and the last Dr. wants her to see an oncologist. Her CA-125 was 290.. she has all the syptoms of ovc. Is it true that they won't really be able to tell if its cancer until surgery? There is so much that we don't understand... Both of the other doc's have told…
has anyone "heard'' from Heidinmatt?
Hi ladies.....It has been a loooooooooooong time since I posted. I was dx ovc stage 2c grade 3 in Dec.2000. Had 2 rec. I am now in rem. going on 9mths. The very first time I posted here, Heidinmatt responded, and we exchanged e-mails,ect.Well, the last time I talked to her was right before my first rec. I have not been on…
Good report
CT results showed 50% reduction and no new spots. CA125 went from 2988 on 3/2 to 388 after two chemo treatments. We will shoot for 6 chemo treatments like kathie and then discuss surgery. I am tolerating the chemo well and counts are recovering rapidly. Thanks for your prayers.
Hi all, some advice
Hi, some have said to expect abdominal pain or disconfort from gemzar. My Mom has had pain and I asked her Onc if this could be to the chemo, he said No. Could this be cancer pain? Does this mean chemo is not working? What do u think? Liz
sugery date
i now have a date for my surgery. it's may 18th. i am very excited right now but know as the date gets closer that i will be nervious. please keep my family in your prayers. this is so hard on them the way i know it is for all of your familes also. kathie
Update from Joanne
Hello all.Yesterday I really had a super day. First I saw my Onc for a pre-chemo visit..and he said I'm his "star" chemo patient right now..my ca-125 is 17.9. I have had no adverse reactions so far, my blood work is excellent, and he was impressed that I haven't lost any hair!!! That was all good I do however have swelling…
new ca-125 #
i just received my new ca-125 number that was taken last week before my 6th tx. and it has gone back up to 1,700. this is still a lot lower than where i started but it must mean that tx are no longer working. i have an appt. with gyn-onc tomorrow and i am praying that he will sit up surgery as soon as possible. i don't see…
Cysts & Biopsies
My CT scans show cyts, I then have biopsied and they are fluid filled cysts, no cancer; I thank God! Prayers get me through all of this, and I pray often driving down the road, and my community prays with me and for me, I just thank God each day He allows us to be here to pray. Does anyone else ever get these cysts as…